Water Torture for your Sims
Now that we've all got that hearts-n-flowers stuff out of our systems (we have, haven't we?), I figured it was time to bring you a new amazing creation!
Cue drum roll.........
A, erm, dripping tap.
Okay, don't look at me like that! I like it. It really drips, you know! What do you mean: does it DO anything? Of COURSE it doesn't! I made it! It is UTTERLY USELESS!
But seeings as you're going to be like that, I have no choice but to enforce my personal rating system on you again. Sigh...
Rating: 10 stars 5 stars 0 stars
Wow! Thanks! What a surprise! :-)
PS: those amazing flowers are by Solfal. They can be placed amongst your usual flowers and they look absolutely stunning. Tall grasses by SimAddict99. - much better than my grass, naturally.
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