Requests and /or wishes for my Gothic Victorian serie.
Hi every one,
I open requests or wishes for my 'gothic Victorian serie' that means the following:
1. You may ask things from todler to elder, man and female.
2. You can ask for dresses, jackeds, tops, corsets, vests and chokers.
3. You can make a colage of things you wish to see in 1 outfit and let me desinge the thing you want, and I show you the desinge befor I start to create.
4. You just can give me a link to the thing you like to see for the sims.
5. Keep in mind I allways will think about it befor I will create and that I allways will work for my own things first befor I make/upload your request/wish.
6. I will allways Pm you to let you know if I'm working on it of when its done and when I will uploade.
7. I also can uploade some ppl their request/wish in a set you just instal the things you want.
Pm me for more info or questions you also can leave a comment on here.
Enjoy the simming and creating and have a wonderfull day!