kat*'s Blog
Red Moon Temporarily Suspended
Hi Guys!
As you know, Summer means fun, beach, sun and everything else. Well, now in August is where I'm going in vacation. As I'm not going to be in home, Red Moon is going to be suspended temporarily. But don't worry! I promise that, when I get home, the first thing I'm going to do is post the third chapter. And, as in beach I'll have too much free time, I'll take the opportunity to work a bit more in the history.
I hope you guys understand my reason to do it and well, good holiday!
Hugs, Cátia
Lately I've been with some computer problems and that forced me to format it. That means I have to slow down a little bit the creation of my new story, Red Moon.
I hope you understand my problem and I'm truly sorry for the wait.
'Red Moon' - New story coming!
Hi guys!
As you already noticed, I'm back!
With the arrival of the Easter holiday, lately I've devoted myself full time to create a new story. It's called 'Red Moon' and is like a romance with some drama, adventure and betrayal mixed on it.
As there's still a bit to finish it, you'll have to wait.
To arouse your curiosity a bit, here's a preview of it.
Wait some time and you'll know the rest! (:
- Cátia
From the Stars - In portuguese
Hi everyone!
For those who did not understand very well the poem, here it is in portuguese!
I hope this time you like!
Xoxo xD
Das estrelas não sei nada,
Sei apenas que lá estão.
Ardem de amor por alguém?
Sentem febres, solidão?
Viajariam, se pudessem,
como fazem os cometas?
Sentem-se mães dos planetas
sem nunca os poderem tocar?
Conseguem ver-me de longe,
perguntam às outras quem sou?
Ou no céu apenas estão
esperando quem as guarde
no fundo do coração?