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AppleFall's Guestbook

pema10Sep 14, 2010

Amazing creations!! I am soooo jealous! Keep up the fantastic work!!!!!

Joel&Lauren_ParkerSep 13, 2010

I really like your style, your lots are brilliant. I like the trashy ones the best loads of character. saulte!\:\)

victor-torSep 6, 2010

I`m really happy that you nave made all your uploads free!!! I love your creations and now I`m really happy that I can download it! I would like you to solve your problems in your real life. I hope we`ll see your creations later. And a big-big thanks to you from all Russian simmers!

iankingSep 1, 2010

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DVSVJul 4, 2010

Nice minisite and creations \;\)

DOTJul 4, 2010

Hi hi \:\)  Love your board shorts!! \:wub\:

mysteryjack1Jun 13, 2010

Hiya! Thank you so very much for your comment on my "Apple Pie Pattern" \:\) Coming from you, that really does mean a lot! Thank you ever so much, and have a great day \:D

DT456Jun 13, 2010

Ohh... And which program do you use to make your meshes? :P

DT456Jun 13, 2010

Heheh.... \:P Today I´ll be updating my older meshes with some new ones, and then I will be starting on the kitchen I´ve been working on... I have to restart it as it went something wrong with it... :P

DT456Jun 12, 2010

I´ve might said it before but I really have to say it again... Apple rocks, Apple rocks, A, A, Apple rocks, lalalalalalala, Ohh, Apple rocks! \:P I´m sure you´ll be famous! \:rah\:

haiduongJun 9, 2010

Hello Wil (you're a guy?..)! You welcome \:D! Seriously, I really like your banner \:wub\: ..can't stop looking at it..Hey! I have the same coffee stains Photoshop Brushes than you \:D and the tree brushes too, LOL. Did CycloneSue see your new theme??? She would totally love it! \:P \:D \:D  - Hai Duong.       P.S: I've forgot the most important thing! You're creations are truly incredible! I adore the pumkins. They're so pretty and the La Ferme door too (this one is just too good!). \:rah\:

gatorp63Jun 9, 2010

I love your colors and creations thank you so very much

DT456Jun 9, 2010

Hihi! \:\) Thank you for the comment on my set! That will be nice to have that basic design back.. :P

haiduongJun 8, 2010

Hi hi! I love the new look of your minisite \:D \:D \:D You've exchange your cute little cloudies for trash style now??? COOL! \:P \:D\:D 

DT456Jun 8, 2010

Hi Wil! \:P I love love your minisite! I wish I could make minisites like you! \:wub\:

SantarioMay 26, 2010

Sunshine and beautiful works! Thank you!\:\)

SimsimayMay 22, 2010

Your minisite is perfect! Clouds are so sweet, \:P your banner looks really good! Have a great week. \:\)

sailfindragonMay 18, 2010

Just stopped by to say "Hi". LOL I just love your creations.

jla43May 14, 2010

Wow thanks! coming from you means a lot \:D BTW nice minisite!

denizzo_istMay 13, 2010

Thank you so much \:wub\:

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