12sandra11 (1336611)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (267 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Sexy underwear
Published Nov 7, 2008
About Me
I love the Sims! I have periods where i don't play it at all, but then again I have periods where I do nothing but play that game! I 'specialize' in underwear and swimwear, because it is what I love the most! I am also very new to this, I submitted my first creations in the end of January, so I'm not a perfect mesher yet.
I want everyone to know I am very thankful for every thanks I get, and I always notice when people download one of my creations.
My Guestbook Show All
Stan smithJul 14, 2015
so very pretty sweetie can't wait to see your creations when you no longer consider yourself a newbie
charrayNov 07, 2008
Thanks alot for sharing your wonderful creations Great job.
midland_04Nov 02, 2008
12sandra11, if u have the time, that would be cool.... I just don't want to be a burden. Midland_04