AlexOwla (1397161)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (47 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Portia de Rossi
Published Oct 6, 2006
About Me
Hi, I love playing Sims of course!I've played Sims for ages -- it took me back to the happy days of dolls' houses and Barbie, only with better furniture and fashion sense! I've only recently started creating, and am having so much fun with it, I just want to become better and better. Thanx for taking the time to visit my profile Alexandra
My Latest Updates Show All
Sims 3Written Mar 31, 2009
I'm bored with Sims 2, so am not going to do anything until Sims 3...have to move with the times, man. ...More
Creative BlockWritten Jan 20, 2008
Hello fellow Simmers -- well, I'm having a creative block. I know what I want to make, but I just don't have the incentive to make it, and it's REALLY getting me down!!! I guess it's just going to be a case of doing it. I wish there was some way of knowing it'll be looking good. Alex ...More
Bon VoyageWritten Dec 23, 2007
WOW! I love Bon Voyage. I doubt that anyone is reading this, but I have to say that at the moment it's probably a good thing since I've been completely obsessed with game play and not creating. I expect I'll be creating in the new year. I'm on two years leave and then am back to work and back to college (am taking a graphic arts course in Sydney) so will need to start designing to keep my... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Smilla1977Sep 12, 2007
Love your bikini's! Thanks for sharing!
ashveilleJan 21, 2007
Your dr who actors are so awesome. I didn't realize there were so many. I am very proud to have learned the actor that played MY own favorite because of your detailed descriptions for your creations.
My fav is #4. I cannot thank you enough.
You rock!
clcny20Nov 11, 2006
I just saw your comment on my Stewie PJ's for teen boys, and I'm glad that you like it. I love Stewie too! Thanks for taking the time to leave the comment, and to download.