Alyasha (2786966)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Smallsized FamilyLot
Published Nov 19, 2010
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I´m just here to creep around.
My mother tongue isn´t english, if I talk totally bullshit that no one understands, thats the reason. *smirk*
I´m always happy to meet new people.
I don´t care where your from ;D
You can call me Alyasha if u want to but I would be glad if you could call me ´Kaia´ I like this name much more.
I´d never played Sims1, When this game was released I was just a child (7yrs old .)) and later I just couldn´t figure out how to play it.
My first time really playing TS were on the Playstation 2 with my BF.
After that I bought a computer but forgot totally about The Sims. :O
2 years ago I bought The Sims2 Deluxe for PC and finally got obsessed.
I´m here for a year now and just downlaoded stuff.
But now it´s time for me to get active
I´m gonna upload a screenshot every day for my "365 days screenshot session."
I hope you´ll like my screenies and everything else I´ll upload.
My Guestbook Show All
ShinySandra90Nov 21, 2010
Glad to see someone else who's have redhair too lol hehe I love your sims-stuff ^^ downloading some of them right now.
spladoumNov 18, 2010
Awesomesauce! LOL. That's a new one on me! I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Chapter Two will be out shortly.
fredbrennyNov 14, 2010
Thank you very very much for that very nice comment on my story Penny Dreams... you made my day!!!