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Alyosha's Blog


Life has been crazy lately, but now I am back! Resuming all lots and houses I am working on and requests that have been on hold are back in construction! Sorry for the long delays! ;)


Friends and fellow simmers!

Do not worry that I have disappeared completely. I am still here, but have been caught up in this Christmas season's festivities. But do not fret, I will be back with a new batch of homes and lot requests for you after the new year! So in light of this...


MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here's to a whole new year of simming and fun!


Apologies that I am not greeting you guys in your guestbooks individually. Life's kinda busy, but I shall make it up to you, I promise! :)



I'm Still Here and Building!

So it has been some time since my latest lot release, but no worries! I haven't given up on building! I'm still working on a request for another cliffside home. It's smaller, but still quite time consuming to build. You can see a sneak peek of it in my previous blog post!

In the meantime, SEASONS is out! I am so looking forward to building new lots using that EP! It's probably my favorite EP for Sims 3!

Happy Simming, friends!



First of all, I am glad to see that many of you like the Beachfront Rise Reimagined lot! It makes me so happy and makes all the time spent on building it worth it!

Now some of you have been asking where to place it. It should only be placed at 64 OCEANVIEW in STARLIGHT SHORES, which came with the SHOWTIME EXPANSION PACK. I also wrote this down in the NOTES section of the download page, so please take the time to read the NOTES section before asking where to place it, as I wrote it there for that exact reason. I don't have the time to always go through the comments, so I wrote it there for those who don't know where to place it.

Here is a checklist for those having issues with lots:

  • Make sure your game is UPDATED TO THE LATEST PATCH. This can be done through the game launcher.
  • Beachfront Rise Reimagined and The Jala are both HUGE lots, so placing them in the neighborhood WILL TAKE A LONG TIME, EVEN IN FAST COMPUTERS/LAPTOPS. It is not unusual for it to spend around 30 MINUTES to 1 HOUR for it to be placed successfully, so patience is a virtue in this situation.
  • To maximize gameplay speeds/rendering times, put your game settings at the minimum, or somewhere near the minimum. But if your computer can handle it, why not use the high settings?



As requested by TSR member erjes12, here is... THE ERJES (still FAR from done)

The A-Lister Series: BEACHFRONT RISE REIMAGINED is finally DONE!

After a month of building this huge (although not as huge as The Jala) beach house, it is finally DONE! Here is a preview of what you can expect!

AAAAAND! It is SEASONS READY! Relax by the beach during the summer, and imagine the wonderful trees turn into autumn colors!


I'm just finalizing the front portion of the home and then do some more routing tests, and then IT IS FINISHED!

I AM BACK! + Upcoming Lot SNEAK PEEK

First of all, I'm back! Or rather, my LAPTOP IS BACK! That means I can resume creating lots!


And one of the upcoming big lots I have in store for you is this beauty I am building, currently known as Beachfront Rise Reimagined:


Happy Simming,


My Laptop Will Be Back Soon!



I can resume my building projects in a few days. Sorry for being inactive for a short while there, other stuff to take care while waiting for my laptop to be fixed. :) But I will be back really soon! 3 big lots on your way soon! :)


Looks like my next lot will have to wait until next month. My laptop's fan needs to be replaced and, well, apparently, the best I can hope for is for it to be done next month. So sorry to keep you guys waiting even more, but I promise more spectacular lots once I finally have my laptop's fan fixed! In the meantime, Happy Simming and God Bless! :)



UPDATED "ABOUT ME" INFO... object creators may want to look...

Hi there!

If you're looking for new lots to put in your game, then go ahead and take a look through my lots! I have been building lots since Sims 2, and I am happy to say that I have gradually improved, especially now in The Sims 3. In case you are wondering, here are a few of my policies:

1. REGARDING CUSTOM CONTENT (CC): I rarely use custom content in my lots. In fact, I've only used CC once (I think) in one of my lots from The Sims 2. Unless otherwise stated, my lots have no CC in them.

2. Please do not re-upload my lots anywhere and/or claim as your own. I would appreciate if you just link back to the original download page here in The Sims Resource instead of uploading it anywhere else.

3. REGARDING REQUESTS: I take requests as long as it falls within the building style I specialize in. If you have a request, send me a Private Message with ALL THE DETAILS you need me to know for your request, like which Expansion/Stuff packs you have, number of bedrooms/bathrooms and any other rooms, color schemes you prefer in general or for specific rooms... EVERYTHING you want me to know so that I can make the lot perfectly suited to you.

4. TRIBUTE LOTS: If you are an object creator and want me to create a lot to showcase your object creations, make sure you have enough of them to fill up every needed room (like a bedroom set, kitchen set, living room set, etc). OR if you want a specific room in one of my lots dedicated to your content, then give me a link to the set/objects so I can figure out when and where to use them in my construction projects (example, you want your bedroom set featured in a future lot I will release, then send me a link to the set).

5. Of course, Have fun and Happy Simming! God Bless! :)

My Macbook's Fan DIED... so...

My next lot would be a little bit delayed. I can't even play the game without it lagging like mad, and I also risk killing my laptop with it since the fan is not working and my laptop get's really hot without the fan. Until I get my laptop's fan replaced, I would not be able to resume building. Hopefully I get it replaced soon! Until then, please enjoy my current lots for now! It won't be long, I promise!

Latest Headlines

APOLGIES FOR MY LONG ABSENCE!... MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW... I'm Still Here and Building! LOT PLACEMENT for Beachfront... The A-Lister Series: BEACHFRONT... I AM BACK! + Upcoming Lot SNEAK... My Laptop Will Be Back Soon! DARN IT. UPDATED "ABOUT ME" INFO...... My Macbook's Fan DIED... so...
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