Angela's Blog
A new Latis room
A new Latis room in progress...
After the Bathroom, living, Dining, Hall and Outdoors, i figuered it would be nice to have an office for it too..
Latis Livingroom
Next, after the Latis Bathroom and diningroom, comes my Latis Livingroom.
This also still is a work in progress, so the picture you see here is not the finished room...
Latis Bathroom
Here is the preview of my new Bathroom, which s still a work in progress. Hopefully i can manage to finish it for next weekend :)
New nursery
It has been awhile since my last blogpost. But today i wanted to show you the new nursery i am working on.. i hope to be ready for release this weekend.. but here you can see the crib i made for it..
The monkey and plant are both Store content.
To convert or not to convert?
Ok so ever since i started meshing for sims3 i have been asking myself, what to do with the meshes i made for Sims2? I mean shall i convert them (the sets that is) or not? Well thinking about it, there is a lot i do like what i have made and since every single mesh i made needs to be remapped for sims 3 anyway i figuered, well, why not? So instead of converting whole sets into sims 3 i am doing different objects from different sets to make new sets out of them. I am well on my way, i have converted my rockingchair, my Loveseat and coffeetable, although that last one needs some more tweaking.. anyway, here you can see what has been done..
What i don't get...(among other things)
I just don't get it. You buy a game, you can make a nice kitchen BUT there are no windows that place above the counters, or beneath the cabinets for that matter.. So i decided i would just make some.. Here is a preview of the 2tiled version, but i will also make it in a singletileversion.
Again, this window is also made with Sims3 Workshop BetaTest.

After Windows, there comes doors
Ok so i showed you my open window for sims 3 yesterday, today i will show you the door i made.. as does the window, bug need to be filtered out before we can share these meshes, but at least we CAN show you what the look like in game. And as Ricci mentioned on the last Blog, the great thing (one of the) is that once these meshes can be shared, THEY DO ATTACH to your lots. So all these meshes are made as Sims3pack and YES all can be included in your houses..
Let's open the windows
Workshop progress is running smoothly, we are now able to create some windows too, so why not make some open windows for Sims3? although not completly finished yet, here is a preview of my open window..
more testing pictures
Heya, back again with some more previews, hope you like..
This chair and table was also made with Workshops Beta test, we are getting there, hopefully all bugs will be fixed soon and then we can finaly add some CC in the game..
Finaly meshing again..
Oh wow, how great it is to be meshing for sims3. It won't be long before Workshop is ready for new sims 3 meshes. It needs some more adjusting but gladly most stuff is solved already. Woot! to the whole TSR team working on this tool. Easy to use and adjust your textures and meshes..
Anyway some previews will be here soon!