Angelbabe1983 (1057348)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1913 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

America-Jane Set
Published Mar 8, 2008
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I'm Louise, 24, live in Adelaide/Australia. Been a Simmer for quite a few years. Have only been creating my own stuff for the past 6 months or so. I have been recolouring for a lot longer but never did my own textures and the like. I need to learn to create my own meshes - it's on my to do list.
My Latest Updates Show All
A Few Things.......Written Mar 21, 2008
Hey Guys, I know it's been a little while since i have uploaded or updated here. Time is just flying for me at the moment and before i knew it it was Easter already. Ok so in this blog i want to take the opportunity to talk about a couple of things. The first is a BIG THANKYOU to all of you who participated in my Fashion Style Poll. I know i have kept it up there for a long time but... ...More
New Stuff!Written Feb 24, 2008
Hey Guys, I know i have been a little slow of late with not many updates. But i'm here to tell you that there will be some more from me in the next week. I have been working on some stuff today that i just need to take my screens of and then upload. I am hoping that my Internet problems start to get sorted soon too. My Internet has been slowed at the moment as it says i have gone... ...More
My UploadsWritten Feb 04, 2008
Hey Guys, I just wanted to write this short note to let anyone who regularly downloads my creations know that i am having Internet Problems at the moment which is why my Uploads are few and far between. It's really getting beyond a joke. I am getting VERY frustrated with my ISP. At first i thought it might be something to do with my computer but after talking to others who have the... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
RaztianaFeb 03, 2012
Hey, I hope you're still active in here. I've spend a lot of hours finding this mesh: MYOS Female Hair 13. Since you have made recolours of it, I hope you still have it. If you do, I would be really greatful if you would send it to me.
- Camilla
RolfyNov 10, 2010
Hi Babe! where you been?? I would love to see you come back into action!
xoxo Rolf
TwilightDreamerOct 29, 2010
thanks for the great creations you have shared with us