AnnieBoo (794334)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (78 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Pierina da Montefeltro
Published Mar 2, 2011
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Akira House
Published May 7, 2009
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About Me
I love mythical creatures. If I could I'd have a pet dragon, but that is impossible, so I have two dogs...
Since I teach literature, my imagination goes wild every time I read something I like...
Right now I'm writing (yes, my muse calls me and I have to answer). Some of those writings are sims stories and others are for my eyes only and others are academic papers. I can't mesh which is a shame....But I can make sims and I do love making them. My hoods generally are historical and my sims live in manors, mansions, chateaux or castles... I like beautiful things for my sims and in real life as well.
I spend hours taking pics of my sims just to see if they match... I like mythology (Greek, Northen, Celtic). That's why most of my sims have Greek, Northern, and celtic names....In the sim world it's very easy to fly high!! YAY!!! You can also check my sims here:
My Latest Updates Show All
Hampton CourtWritten Sep 13, 2009
I'm trying my best to make a house as grand as Hampton Court. My skills are not the best, though. I love making the garden. It's the part I have more fun and spend several hours... Hopefully I'll make it better someday... I like this pic: ...More
The Grimmy from the Goth hoodWritten Sep 08, 2009
Azrael was the first Grim Reaper I was able to give a makeover. I like him very much and I'd love him to be hooked up with one of my simmies...but who? He likes Lolly very much, but she is married to a nice husband. He is becoming friends with Cassandra, but I have other plans for her... I'll probably will find out a nice sim gal for him... ...More
My self sim and my hubby'sWritten Sep 03, 2009
My self sim. She looks pretty much like me, but not the lips. I can't make them right. I'm still trying. My hubby's self sim. He likes the way the sim came out. And so do I!!! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
emmyawesome22Mar 13, 2013
hi I saw your screen shot with the plant sim, I have sims3 university but I was wondering how do you make a plant sim ?
BEOJan 23, 2013
Thank you for commenting my screenshot!
fabrizioammolloDec 24, 2012
Hi Annie! I wish you lots of love, joy and happiness. MERRY CHRISTMAS. F.