New set comming up!
I'm working on a new set. It's not ready yet, but I'll show you a preview of it, so you can see a little bit of it already. It's the first of a series I'm planning to do in this style. (Yes, also the kitchen I promissed a loooooong time ago.)
If all goes well, in the end you will be able to furnish your sims houses completely in this style. It's made in a style I like: simple, modern and stylish. The screen/cabinet you see on the left is decorated on both sides, making it a very good object to seperate the diningroom area from the livingroom area. Ofcourse it will have plenty of slots, so you can all place your favorite deco-items in it, and give the room your own touch.
I think I'll make a few deco-objects for this set as well. Some candles and maybe something else. And curtains in diffent lenghts is also in the planning.
Anyway, I hope you all like it.