The whole "Shop till you drop" set is published now and the set has became larger then I had in mind when I started working on this set. For everyone who doesn't have this set yet, there is a Superset comming out on tuesday, with an easy download of all sets in one. The complete set has 30 meshes, 69 recolors and 4 collectionfiles.
In case some people had problems with placing things like toddler toys or kitchen supplies on the shelves, I recommend using the placers of part 1a. With those placers you can place those kind of objects on the shelves or on other tables. So you can also use them if you for instance want some toddler toys as decoration on an endtable in a childsroom.
Next thing up will be a kitchen, but you probably had already guessed that, as my poll is about this kitchen. I'm also working on a few other things in the mean time, so I can't tell yet when the kitchen will be ready, but I promiss I'll try to make it something special.
Almost forgot: I've done a few little updates on some files: the curtain mesh of the Turano set had a bad shadow that is now removed. I also added a collection file to the Turano set.
Also the advertising painting of the "Shop till you drop" set had a wrong description. It's updated a few days after it is published.
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