Get ready to shop!
My newest set is almost ready and will be published in a few days. Get ready for a whole new way of designing your (OFB)shops!
Modernise your shops with several new types of shelves: small, large, round and straight, wall shelves and even some counterdisplays that realy can hold objects to be sold. Included are also a new counter that matches the new shelves and some advertising displays.
To fill your shop with some nice salesware (or just to decorate your houses ofcourse), I've also made a whole set decorative objects in all kinds of trendy colors. Several of them are stackable, like the cushions and baskets. They stack them in normal shops, and soon you can also stack them in your Sims shop.
All objects (even the shelves) are cloned from base-game objects, so they should also work if you don't have OFB.