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Arelien's Blog

Moved over to Sims 4

So I have actually uninstalled Sims 3 as I never actually played the game for itself anyway and only created for my own enjoyment! So out with the old and in with the new I suppose - I uploaded my first Sims 4 lot today and hopefully I didn't screw that up somehow and it makes it through the mods.


I am thinking of making some more actual CC objects as well when TSR workshop is released for Sims 4, the crazy boot-up and loading times for sims 3 killed my desire to make objects because you could spend hours sat in loading screens just to test them multiple times :<

New set in progress....

Finally making some time to do some more meshes, my latest work in progress is a reclaimed wood themed bedroom set. The bed and the chair are done (the hardest parts hopefully!) so just the extra stuff to do - a big shabby-framed floor standing mirror that will "lean" against a wall, a patchwork quilt for the bed and a rag-rug. Maybe some other items if anything occurs to me in the meantime!

Set approved and waiting to be published!

Cause for celebration I think, it's taken me a lot of revisions and time to get this set finished, and a bit of willpower not to give up! I hope it's all worth it and people enjoy it.

A hopeful return soon!

Hoping to make a return to building and possibly some basic meshing again soon. I have been thinking about how much I miss creating and building things in the game!


Really dreading the reinstall of everything and the fact I deleted EVERYTHING sime related from my PC when I formatted it, including all my old work, files and resources :(


The neverending bathroom set!


Just feels like I have been stuck on this one forever! I hope it's worth all the effort... getting to the stage where I just want to get it published so I don't have to stare at it any longer :P

Hopefully it will all come together in the end, I am really happy with the little candle hurricane vase I made as well, just need to add a nice mirror, perhaps another deco item or two... not bothering to make a toilet as I can't really see what I can add design wise to one to justify the work! (I guess I'm just not a toilet person).

Could just do with more hours in the day to get all my ideas realised now... I have a great idea for some chairs in my head but I must finish this bathroom first!



Slowly improving!

I have just completed my second room set and I was looking back at the screenshot of my first mesh table and chairs and thinking how much I learnt since then! I think this set is a little better in technical terms than the kitchen, so I am hoping to keep following that trend with each set / mesh :D

It takes me so long - hours and hours to make one item still - not to mention breaking my launcher repeatedly and having to reinstall all my CC because uninstalling and reinstalling stuff to check how it looks in game bugs out my launcher :/ Some days I just get irritated after like 20 minutes and have to stop (I have no patience some days!) oh and the items that i spend ages making that get scrapped anyway because I decide I don't like them or can't make them work.

Seeing people downloading and using my objects is really satisfying and when it all comes together it's nice to feel you created something and learned something - but it is also the most time consuming and fustrating of all my hobbys to date!



Back creating soon!

I have been sadly neglecting my item creating the last week, my other main hobby (an MMO) has been really demanding my time as we started a new guild project, but I have really missed chilling out and creating items! I am hoping to be back creating again in the next week or two when it needs a little less hand-holding! Sorry to anyone I have not thanked for feedback because of this, I have got a little behind with it all!

First set incoming!

Exciting day for me - submitting my first set of objects today, they took me ages to finish but i think they look ok! Needs some work on the polish and proffessionalism maybe, but all in all ok for a first try at most of the items.

Really disappointed I can't release these as a set bundle, but my filestorage appears to be borked and no-one is answering support for the website, so separate items it is! I think I can get around the problem slightly by putting all the items in the rest of the set as recommended on the items page, so it won't be too much trouble for people to make a set if they want it...

Just need to get some ideas for my next set now!



Mission Impossible completed...

Well, I must be a glutton for punishment because I decided that little table I couldn't make work was boring anyway... why not try a big table instead! So after hours of wrangling with tutorials, photoshop, uv mapping, etc I produced a table. I was so excited until I realised I had barely even started the work as now I had to make multipliers and rbg maps and I must have redone them countless times and still my table side is not quite right, but if I ever have to look at that table again outside of a screenshot nothing good will happen!

Then table needed chairs and I had these annoying coloured lines all over the edges and I couldn't find any solution for hours... until finally I hunted down the culprit specular behind a maze of menus and options... argh!

Naturally I can see flaws in the design everywhere, but, I can also see how I could fix them with some better planning and with all that I learnt making them (I just can't do anymore with these ones and keep my sanity!). So I'm going to upload them flaws and all, just because I am kind of proud of them, even though I'll probably look back and cringe when I get better at this.

All in all I'm glad I took the time to do this, and I have barely scratched the surface so there is loads to keep me busy!

Learning to create objects!

Today I had my first stab at creating an object... having previously got as far as loading up the .pdf document, looking at the amount of work involved and closing it again :D

So, armed with the relevant programs and the awesome tutorials written by the people on this site I grabbed the bull by the horns. I would like to say I have now made a fantastic object we can all be happy with, but what I got was a little table with the woodgrain running the wrong way (even though I'm sure I sorted that!).

I have even more huge respect for the people who make the detailed lovely items for the game now, because after 1 unfinished basic table I thought my brain was going to explode!

Well tomorrow is another day, I will finish that table if it kills me...


Latest Headlines

Moved over to Sims 4 New set in progress.... Set approved and waiting to be... A hopeful return soon! The neverending bathroom set! Slowly improving! Back creating soon! First set incoming! Mission Impossible completed... Learning to create objects!
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