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BBKZ's Guestbook

cashcraftDec 13, 2011

Merry Christmas! May the joyfulness of the Holiday Season continue to surround you and yours throughout the New Year! Carolyn \:\)

frisbudDec 12, 2011

Have a Joyous Holiday Season and a Prosperous New Year! \:wub\:

DOTDec 12, 2011

.: Â :. ~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World ~ .: Â :. ~

eviDec 10, 2011

BB, Wishing Peace, love And joy For you, the people you love and The  World ! \:wub\:

laivine_erunyauveDec 9, 2011

Hi! Thanks for your lovely comment on my house The Eartha! I'm glad you like it and I hope you enjoy using it. \:\)

Genw666Dec 9, 2011

Twoje prace są genialne. Masz ogromny talent i zmysł artystyczny. Tak trzymać. \:D

naoomsimDec 8, 2011

thank you for your nice comment! i'm glad you like it \:\)  

Xanthia_loveDec 3, 2011

that sim whose smile you liked in my upcoming items is Jennifer Aniston by 'lushlesslady' from modthesims2 !

Xanthia_loveDec 2, 2011

and as I am new to custom content and simPE and the likes.. hence im recoloring the exiting paintings itself..which i dnt like so much coz they all have thick frames ! anyways i hope they come out well ! 

Xanthia_loveDec 2, 2011

YES I am ! Laurel and Hardy only gave me the idea to make custom friend's paintings ! \:D I will notify you when they will be available for download !

Xanthia_loveDec 1, 2011

heyyy !! thank you for your AMAZING comments on my F.R.I.E.N.D.S lot and screenshots !! Ill be uploading the paintings used in the show soon ! \:D AND i loooooove ur DP.. you look so happy and jolly \:\) awesome hair btw \:D

xhaiiNov 28, 2011

you are very welcome!! keep up the good work and continue sharing to us your brillian ideas \:wub\:

71robert13Nov 22, 2011

Aye, Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you find it useful (Closet set) Have fun & play well. SKS \:cool\:

*Bunny*Nov 12, 2011

Hello. \:\) You are welcome. You make some lovely Sims 2 clothing. I always enjoy seeing your latest sets. As for the mesh, please don't waste any more time on it. I can understand that sometimes it's quicker to start again rather than try to fix something. Nobody has complained about the mesh so I think it will be OK. I will look forward to seeing your new mesh - perhaps I will re-do my dress using your new mesh instead. By the way, I hope it is OK that I have used one of your meshes in my new set!

eviNov 8, 2011

Hi! BB\:\)Have you voted for my latest poll by any chance?\;\)

olcia_olivineaNov 5, 2011

Witaj Basiu \:\) jeszcze raz dziekuje za mile slowa, naprawde motywuja do dalszej pracy, chociaz z czasem do grudnia bedzie ciezko, bo zbliza sie koniec studiow, egzamin inzynierski, zaliczenia, no i jeszcze projekt trzeba pisac... Naprawde brakuje mi beztroskich dni z czasow liceum, gimnazjum, podstawowki, kiedy najwiekszym wydarzeniem byla klasowka \;\). Ale co zrobic, nikt nie pytal czy chcemy dorastac, tylko brutalnie nam kazano zaczac byc odpowiedzialnym... wysoce irytujace \;\)! No, chwila odpoczynku minela, trzeba ostro brac sie za kreslenie... pozdrawiam cieplo Ciebie i corcie, mala panne "a kuku" \;\) Ola

hiedibear75Oct 31, 2011

It was a LOT of work but I think I do miss Matt & Jenny the MOST. \:\(  It was a lot of work to make their story but I REALLY LIKED doing it when all was said & done. \;\)  I've toyed around with the idea of bringing them back more than once.......I'll have to get all my downloads sorted out......that may just require starting over again. \:eek\:  But.....I just might do it. \:confused\:  I liked trying to show that Matt still has the same wants & feelings as everyone else even though he uses a wheelchair......kinda like me. \:cool\:  I still have my storyboards (ideas for new chapters) & notes I made on previous chapters.  You've given me "food for thought".....I thought everyone had forgotten about my stories. \:o  Oh & just to let ya know.....the ONLY reasons I haven't been downloading your AWESOME clothing sets?#1 I've still got a LOT of sorting to do in my downloads's a MESS, & #2 finances haven't allowed for us to buy subscriptions soooo I'll have to use my kudos for a subscription day. \:confused\:  I hope you keep making more sets......they're TERRIFIC! \:rah\:  Hope you had a wonderful weekend with your family. \:wub\:

olcia_olivineaOct 29, 2011

Hej Basiu \:\) chcialam Ci podziekowac za mily komentarz odnosnie jednego z moich nowych domkow - jesli chcialabys mieszkac w podobnym "w realu", to znaczy to, ze chyba... nie jest taki zly \;\). Pozdrawiam cieplo Ciebie i Twoja corcie \;\) Ola

allison731Oct 28, 2011

Thank you very much for your beautiful comment for my Sweet Dream screenshot and house\:\) Your nice words made me happy\:\)  I wish that you have amazing Friday\:rah\:  

-kalisa-Oct 27, 2011

Hello! \:\) I just wanted to say that the clothing you create looks amazing! I'm going to use it a lot in my Sims 2 story \:D And, thank you for commenting on my screenshot (The Goths) \:D I love Maxis families, too \:wub\: Hope you'll have a sunny day! Kalisa

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