BambiSky (3798290)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (29 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Italian Tile
Published Jul 18, 2011
About Me
Hi, i have just started playing the sims 2 and i am absoulty loving it. I was a frequent player of sims 1, but i am loving the new creative options of playing sims 2.
I look forward to trying to create some wonderful items, houses, clothes, etc for the sims 2 . If i ever figure out how the many talented artist that post there work here manage to do it
My Guestbook Show All
carmencOct 08, 2013
clairepitts1994Nov 03, 2011
Hey just wanted to stop by to let you know I've just published the first chapter of my new Tomb Raider story: Sword of Excalibur, if you wanted to read it. Well I hope you have a wonderful Thursday! Adios xox
clairepitts1994Oct 05, 2011
Hey! Just wanted to say a big THANK-YOU for commenting on my story writing tutorial.....a few months June...think hard now to remember. Yeah I'm terrible at returning comments But better late than never! Yes so I just wanted to stop by and say thank-you and also to let you know that I have a revised story writing tutorial that I've posted in my blog because for some reason it won't upload properly and anyway I thought you might like to read it. So here's the link here: if you do in fact wish to read it Oh and I also see that since June you have yet to publish a sims story, so this is me encouraging you some more to write one! and if you need any help or anything at all I'm just a guestbook post away! cya xox