One step forward, two steps back
Short and to the point, I suffered a big set-back with my health in May, but I am finally getting the better of it. Because my health has to come first, I won't be able to spread myself around like I formerly have. I am down-sizing my role in the greater Sims community and from here forward concentrating my energies only on TSR - which is deliciously drama light, content heavy.
The Sims 2 is nearing the end of its production and release arc, but I won't let that dissuade me from riding it until the wheels fall off. I have plenty of ideas and plans, the sticky part is realising them. Look for new content for both The Sims (original) and The Sims 2 from me in the coming weeks.
I may very possibly become more productive than ever thanks to being sick... go figure
Thank you to all the many fans and friends who have expressed concern and kept me in their prayers. Godless heathen that I am, I figure I am precisely the sort that needs prayer most.
Especial thanks to Thomas and the other great folks here in the TSR Family for allowing me this time away to mend. I am more grateful than you can know. *giant hug*