International Man of Mystery Stuff
If you've been paying attention to the figures on the survey poll on my main page, you'll see that lots of people (over 1000 at the time of this writing) have responded and the over-whelming view of the people responding to the poll is that there is not enough male-oriented content in The Sims 2.
Following my own bent for the less travelled path, I am starting my way down a experiemental series of objects for story-tellers and film-makers that will hopefully aid them in spy-thriller plots. I am partially hindered by a desire to maintain a sort of realistic look to these items, but not so realistic that it will look too much like a James Bond set. Realism is great, but I don't want to drift too far from the basic look and feel of The Sims 2.
I will be trying to recreate some of the objects in another game, Evil Genius, to fill in the opposition's array of goods. I am not certain where this will lead, but it already is adding Art Deco content and some high-end designer content that will be suitable for playboy billionaires and stylish villains.
The main goal is to fill in some of the gaps that have been left by the expansions, to make as much as possible of the new objects base-game compatible, and to keep a rather playful mood in the new objects.
The current series (Casino Mazhik objects) is being a real challenge to keep in a low-poly range. The original Maxis buffet in the base game is far from low-poly, so adding the new base didn't improve matters.
I think the hardest part of all has to be not making something someone else has already made for The Sims 2. Also, trying to make my new objects in a similar theme to the work of other artists here at TSR (Cyclonesue, Padre333, Aikea_guinea, and so many other excellent artists). Certainly, a Tokamak Fusion Reactor or a Arclite Siege Tank will not step on anyone's creative toes, but what on earth will it look good with?? More importanly, what good will they add to the game?
Hopefully, I will have better sense than to try to recreate Halo 3 in The Sims 2. LOL