...New SimPE... meh....
You'd think by this time I would be used to SimPE being constantly possessed by unclean spirits from the infernal pit. I don't blame anyone for these little, annoying... really really annoying... hiccoughs that SimPE suffers. Nevertheless, I am vexed by them.
One version clones stuff without a problem, the next version won't clone these items. Take for instance the tombstones and urns for departed Sims.
I could previously clone them in the Seasons-ready release just prior to the BV-/TSS-compatible version. But now, nopes. I end up with a package with a single item that is already deleted. Go figure.
Or let's consider the Arte nouveau armoire, in the pre-Seasons version of SimPE, it cloned without a problem; the next two versions of SimPE won't clone it properly. That's how I made my Artist's Loft wardrobe.
I don't want to seem ungrateful for all the hard work that goes into making and updating SimPE, but I'd be ever so much more grateful if it didn't constantly mean losing some functionality.
I admit, I don't know my head from my buttocks when it comes to .NET programming; but I am pretty handy with VB, C, and C++, and when it comes down to brass tacks, all programming is pretty much the same. 4th and 5th generation languages are several orders of magnitude easier than the 2nd and 3rd generation languages I was taught "back in the day", but that doesn't mean they're without difficulty or risk of error. *sigh*
I really am thankful, but -- like I said -- I'd be even more thankful if things that used to work didn't stop working with every new release.