Something Old, Something New
Well, they say everything old is new again, and I guess that is a little bit true. I am uploading a lot of my older works that will be new to TSR. These will placed in the free rotation on a permanent basis, there will be a one day hitch when they will not be free, but they will be free after the first day.
Many of these items were inspired by the work of other artists, namely: Cyclonesue, Gara (Gara's Boutique), Katy_76 (Sims Mod Board - dead site), Marina (Marina's Sims 2), Olemantiker (InSIM, etc), Padre333, Shakeshaft, Shannanigan, Shtinky00 (Holy Simoly & TSR), SimAddict99, Simtomatic, Solander (Pimp-my-Sims), Solfal, Suzanne (Sim People & Me), and Windkeeper -- and many others as well.
These items are meant to compliment the work of these artists and hopefully both you and they will find them satisfactory.
First up will be my Construction Set, then following in close order my Arkham and Post-Modernist Sets.
Edit 14 Oct 2007: The Construction set is now posted and free :)
Edit 15 Oct 2007: The Arkham Set is now posted and free :)
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