Ambushed by Bon Voyage
Well anyone with as many things to his name as me ends up having to re-test all his goods and wares in every new expansion pack as it comes out, offer free technical support to all the people who use these things, and generally deal with the influx of a bajillion unrelated help requests.... so has it gone with me since the release of Bon Voyage. I can only thank God I had the wisdom to eschew making mods and hacked objects this time around.
Then I was side-tracked by trying to figure out how I might add textures for additional sub-groups in a clothing file... still trying to sort that out, no clear success yet, but I am not aiming for a 255 group mesh, just a bit of whee-ha madness involving 12 layers -- so much for restraint >_<
I will be turning my attention back to my Lost American Highway project and top secret Halloween project... did I say that out loud? drat, I can't keep a secret! Expect some previews of both in the next few days!