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Pirate Fever

Isn't pirate fever another name for scurvy? or is it malaria? I recently saw that some people think I have caught the pirate bug, some how, to me, this pirate fad is a bizarre thing I can't say I will ever understand. The very idea of heavily clothed murderous men with brown teeth in the tropics practicing dubious hygiene in an era when most people had two baths in their life-time and only used perfume as a means to stave off the plague... well, Hollywood and the Sims Community seem to have a different idea about these things. Thank god for soap and hot water. I do, however, have a fascination with the clothing, architecture, and arts of the 17th and 18th century; I think it has something to do with all the period art I saw while growing up in the Hermitage and St Isaac's Cathedral in (then) Leningrad; St Petersburg is a commercial sea port that came into being through the will of Peter the Great and it veritably drips with the history of that period. Maybe I will make something for the game that demonstrates my love of the more conventional world that existed during the "Golden Age of Piracy" -- which is a bizarre name for an era. I mean, really, millions of people lived in cities and had normal lives compared to the handful of pirates. My heart is on the side of the hard-working sailors and sea captains that were of the more honest sort, rather than the ones who would ransom captives or sell them into slavery; but they all wore pretty much the same clothes, used the same technology, and walked the same streets, so then as now, it takes all kinds to make a world.

MsRomulus ∙ Aug 30, 2007

Hi, just read your commentary on this pirate fever that seems to be raging in Hollywood and somewhat throughout the Sims community. I agree! As an Afro American (who truly wishes to not have been born in that era who also wishes to have not been born in this era too)I consider history of piracy to be too much romanticized and this is understandable though, but you would think that society would be tired of being comforted with all the violence which is overpowering our lives. What's romantic about (things that we are experiencing every "dog gon day" daily through the news media)thievery raping of men, women and children, pillaging, gluttony drunkenness, and selling of slaves(aka selling of men, women and children!). Read 2 Timothy 3:16
Nothing is shocking anymore it's like who cares, we want more bloody realistic gore, more the better. What is pittifully shocking today is spantaneous sudden spurts of kindnesses shown to unsuspecting individuals. Sure this era has brought wonderful ideas of fashion, archite

Dirtdevill ∙ Aug 30, 2007

Hi, beosboxboy! I like the history off the pirates ( did read many story's about them), I am also a big fan off Johnny Depp and offcourse "his" movie; Pirates off the carribian. The life off the pirates has always facinated me. They lived a misterious life, full off danger and adventure, but off course there was also a lot off misery! Anyway, The "Golden Age of Piracy" is a great idea! I would like lots off pirates stuff in my game, espesially knowing that we will have a pirateship, (with great options on it!!) with the upcoming expansion Bon Voyage! I hope you will enjoy it, as mutch as I will do. Wish you a happy simming, and lots off inspiration for The "Golden Age of Piracy"!

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