In memory of Ozzucay
Dr. Mary Elizabeth Patt, PhD
Ozzucay to her friends in the Sims Community
The Latin orator Marcus Tullius Cicero crafted a phrase that says all I could ever hope: Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore - I hope that the memory of our friendship will be everlasting. Mary is a living memory to me even in death. I shall ever recall her wry but genuine humour, her sensitivity, her generosity, her patience, and her candour; but these individual traits are facets of a more complex creature whom I had in the past year just began to know.
I regret only that I did not know her better so that my memory of her would be more richly embellished with those treasures that endure. Mary was always sincere and honest with me, she spoke her thoughts clearly and freely which itself is a treasure beyond price. I shall miss her always, and though my shock and the sharpness of this present pain may subside, the ache of a missing friend who has gone on before me will never cease.
The greatest memorial I can give to so beautiful a soul is to remember it and treasure those memories, it is a tribute that goes beyond any monument of stone or words. I enjoin you that knew her to never let her memory fade in your hearts, for so long as we remember her, she remains a living force in this world doing goodness. I pray you all have peace of heart soon and know you all that your aches though undeminished are shared and shouldered.
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