The shape of Sims to come...
I have been working on and off in the gaming industry for more than a decade, and I have to say that largely most of the games that have come along since the 3D-revolution aren't particularly better than their non-3D counterparts and predecessors. It seems game-makers spend so much time and money making the 3D fast-render software in the games they end up being overly frugal on the play part, which leaves me asking the question why do it at all?
I look at the way other games have turned more and more to massive multi-player online time wasters and live in constant dread of the day another inane attempt to make the Sims will happen. The Sims Life Stories is by accident an incredible tool for custom content creators, it loads in 10 seconds and almost every base-game compatible object I have tried works. So as a test bed it is marvellous, but an online version of this generation of Sims would be silliness and R&D cash waste on a scale that would damage the viability of the Sims franchise, let's hope they don't do it.
In the mean time, I will be making an effort to make as much of MY creations SLS compatible, let's hope all creators make the effort with at least a few of their things. It will make TSR a bit more inclusive, and that is what the Sims needs more of.
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