Seasons & Me
I hate to admit I was wrong about anything, maybe that is just part of being male, I don't know. But the more I tinker about with Seasons, the more I grow to like it. So maybe just maybe I will say I was wrong to be so full of dread and doom-crying; although I didn't do much doom-crying about Seasons... I was after all waging my one-man war to have the designers of the Pets EP tried for crimes agains the Simmers of the world. Surely Pets EP is as dastardly and vile a trick as George Lucas played on the world with JarJar Binks.
I have to say I am really far more please with Seasons than many of the other expansion packs, and as soon as the initial furor dies down and we are all again nicely tucked into our games, I see great potential for many new items.
I would LOVE to work with cyclonesue on a urban winter theme with things like snowy building ledges with huddled pigeons and sidewalks/pavements with a narrow path shovelled clear in the snow :)
My currently shelved project, a railway yard with locomotives and wagons (cars for you Yanks), is still shiny in my eyes, but this is waiting for the Seasons help demand cycle to die off a bit before I can have the time to finish it.
I'd love to rip the entire Railroad Tycoon 3 line-up of locomotives and wagons LOL but since they use a vastly different polygon count than would be suitable for The Sims 2, it is going to be done the old-fashioned way and Lordy me! That takes time! LOL
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