The Sims 2 Season Expansion Pack & My Reconciliation With The Game
I guess everyone has strong feelings about certain things, I am certainly prone to my share of rants and raves. The Pets EP really was a tragic moment in game history as far as I am concerned, equal to the mistake made releasing the infamous Unleashed EP. BUT, Seasons EP has actually gone a far way to redeem The Sims 2 for me, and The Sims(tm) Life Stories has presented me with a much needed tool for testing my creations. EA got something right in both these recent releases.
I understand that EA recently rehired the same CEO (John Riccitiello, see pic) that made the original The Sims the success it was. Let's hope this heralds a new chapter in the quality of the expansion packs and a decrease of bugs, incompatibility issues, and other craziness for all the custom content makers and users of the various Sim games.
I am willing to give the new (old) guy a chance and will back off my grousing for a while.
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