The Sims(tm) Life Stories & The Sims 2
I have been reviewing the compatabilities of custom content and mods for The Sims 2 in The Sims(tm) Life Stories, and I have to say I am more than moderately impressed. The potential for custom content creators to have a fast-loading, light-weight test-bed for their creations by using The Sims(tm) Life Stories is singularly appealing. I hope to have the opportunity to make plenty of cross-game content available on TSR :)
The Sims(tm) Life Stories so far proves to be far better a tool than I had hoped. And my testing to date shows that most camera mods work in the game (if images do not appear my Photobucket bandwidth has been used up for the month, so come back next month to see them):
Using a camera mod
Using custom sims and genetics/clothing seems to work well. You will need to download the registration incentives from the The Sims(tm) Life Stories and install them to start the process, but then it is a matter of enabling custom content just like one does in Nightlife Expansion Pack and later:
Enable Custom Content:
Custom Sims in The Sims(tm) Life Stories Sim-Bin:
You need to use Sims2Pack Clean Installer to add the Sims if they are in Sims2Pack files, but otherwise it is just like adding content to The Sims 2.
Because of the unexpected similarities of the two game, I see it as a most admirably versatile tool for custom content creators. I won't speak regarding the playability, since I have hardly any time to actually play games since I am so often under the bonnet poking and proding the engine. LOL
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