Ben72006 (2010085)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (44 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Apr 11, 2012
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (13 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Cowboy Top
Published Apr 16, 2009
About Me
My name is Lindsay, I enjoy reading stories. I am love being around family though I love to do other things as well. Camping. Hiking, Nature, animals.
I love writing stories. You may see more stories posted by me. I also love creating. I have started creating Patterns. I plan on making more for you to download. More are coming soon. I have started a new story named A Day in the Life of a Firefighter. I hope you enjoy and come back and see what I make and write. You can leave your comments if you wish.
James Legacy - A Day in A Life Of A Firefighter- (
I have a story I started writing called True Love. The only problem is I can not seem to be able work with the story in a sims 3 Format. I have tried this several times. For the love of me I can not do it in anyway. I can picture it in my mind while I write it but I can not by all means to do it the way it is to look be like in the sims 3. If you want to help me out I be willing to hear your idea or if you want to try and help me in all mean to do this, let me know.
I am also on Twitter as well and you can follow me on there.
My Latest Updates Show All
I am back.Written Aug 17, 2014
I am back. I took a seem like a year long break. I got a new laptop and some new games for the sims 3. I been quite busy with real life. Lets see. I been working on seeing my dad. I even visited thim and spent time with him. I even hung out with my step brothers. Lastly I was in my dad wedding. I got a new stepmother and 3 stepbrothers but only met 2 and hang out... ...More
Merry Christmas and Happy HolidaysWritten Dec 25, 2012
I have my families to still play and get their story together. They have been a little busy or less busy at the time. Though I have not forgotten. They may be inviiting a new family to town or maybe they are getting ready for the winter seasons. I will update you soon with a new chapter that long and good for the time really gone. There is a new family coming along with their... ...More
My Sims FamiliesWritten Jul 16, 2012
My Sims Families are doing okay. They will be coming back. They are having a vacation at the moment. The families need a break as soon as are ready they will be back with the Cameras. Just maybe the Families have moved or did the Children grow up or did they have more children or did the family grrow? Well that will all be showing up soon in the next few months. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Birba32Sep 15, 2015
Hi! Thank you so much for leave a kind comment on my dress, I really appreciate
kardofeSep 13, 2015
Muchas gracias por tu comentario, eres muy amable, feliz Domingo
CatiarpJul 25, 2012
Well, thanks! I know sometimes it can be hard to find the right CC for our game with almost "killing it", but that depends a lot (I mean, really) of the player's preferences and tastes. For example, some like their game with a 'vanilla' taste, others like it more realistic. I think I'm (or at least trying) between those two.
Anyways, in order not to fill your whole guestbook with links, I'm sending them via private message (this, if you don't mind), oki? Any more question, just ask