Bitzybus's Blog
Installing Maya Modular stairs
For some reason the installation instruction link doesn't show up so I have copied the instructions to my blog :)Scroll down for the black and white stair instructions!
TO INSTALL "Maya Build - Wood Modular Stairs"
(1) Place your downloaded stairs file in your 'Downloads' folder as usual.
(2) Find where you originally installed The Sims 2 game (not the expansion packs) and look for the folder TSData/Res/Catalog/Scripts. It is usually in THIS location:
C:Program Files/EA GAMES/The Sims 2/TSData/Res/Catalog/Scripts
(3) Open the file 'modularStairs.txt' and find an empty space at the bottom of the page.
(4) Copy and paste the following block of text below into a space at the bottom of the file:
# BitzyBus-MayaBuildModularStairs060506-MESH
modularStairs 850
objectID landing 0x00209C09
objectID placeholder 0x00209C08
objectID step 0x00209C0A
objectID topStep 0x00209C07
objectID bottomStep 0x00209C05
catalogTextIndex 6
(5) Save and close the text file.
And that's it! There'll be a different block of script for each set of stairs you add.
TO INSTALL "Maya Build - Black Modular Stairs"
(1) Place your downloaded stairs file in your 'Downloads' folder as usual.
(2) Find where you originally installed The Sims 2 game (not the expansion packs) and look for the folder TSData/Res/Catalog/Scripts. It is usually in THIS location:
C:Program Files/EA GAMES/The Sims 2/TSData/Res/Catalog/Scripts
(3) Open the file 'modularStairs.txt' and find an empty space at the bottom of the page.
(4) Copy and paste the following block of text below into a space at the bottom of the file:
# BitzyBus-MayaBuildModularStairs060506-MESHBlack
modularStairs 852
objectID landing 0x00209C1F
objectID placeholder 0x00209C1E
objectID step 0x00209C20
objectID topStep 0x00209C1D
objectID bottomStep 0x00209C1B
catalogTextIndex 6
(5) Save and close the text file.
And that's it! There'll be a different block of script for each set of stairs you add.
TO INSTALL "Maya Build - White Modular Stairs"
(1) Place your downloaded stairs file in your 'Downloads' folder as usual.
(2) Find where you originally installed The Sims 2 game (not the expansion packs) and look for the folder TSData/Res/Catalog/Scripts. It is usually in THIS location:
C:Program Files/EA GAMES/The Sims 2/TSData/Res/Catalog/Scripts
(3) Open the file 'modularStairs.txt' and find an empty space at the bottom of the page.
(4) Copy and paste the following block of text below into a space at the bottom of the file:
# BitzyBus-MayaBuildModularStairs060506-MESHWhite
modularStairs 851
objectID landing 0x00209C19
objectID placeholder 0x00209C18
objectID step 0x00209C1A
objectID topStep 0x00209C17
objectID bottomStep 0x00209C15
catalogTextIndex 6
(5) Save and close the text file.
And that's it! There'll be a different block of script for each set of stairs you add.
Mina objekt och Arbetsliv
En liten notis angående mina objekt och expansionspaketet Arbetsliv. Eftersom jag har Arbetsliv installerat så markerar jag att samtliga mina objekt kräver att detta är installerat för att fungera. Till skillnad mot tidigare expansionspaket så gjorde detta stora ändringar i spelfilerna och nästan allt som skapas med detta installerat kräver Arbetsliv för att fungera.Tyvärr skulle det ta alldeles för mycket tid att testa alla saker och se om dom fungerar utan expansionspaket. En del objekt har jag varit säker på att dom fungerar utan expansionspaket och dessa har jag då inte sätt någon markering på.
Jag har fått en del kommentarer om att en del av sakerna fungerar utan Arbetsliv och det är ju jättebra :) så om ni inte har Arbetsliv installerat så är det ändå möjligt att testa om det fungerar utan det.
När jag har testat objekt som kräver Arbetsliv i ett spel utan expansionspaket har resultatet i regel blivit det att objekten inte syns i katalogen över huvud taget - eller så har det synts men det har inte gått att placera ut det. Jag har inte råkat ut för krasher eller att spelet har låst sig eller liknande så det verkar vara riskfritt att pröva. Kom bara ihåg att plocka bort det från "downloads mappen" om det inte fungerar eftersom det då är onödigt att det ligger kvar där. :)
My objects and OFB
I'm just going to leave a little note here about OFB expansion and my objects. Since I have OFB installed I mark all my objects that they requires OFB to work. This expansion made big changes to the game and not many objects cloned with this installed works without the expansion.I find it way to time consuming to test everything in a base game only and keep track of what works and not. Objects I do not mark are objects that I'm sure works with the base game.
I have gotten some comments about things that do work without the OFB and that is great :) so if you do not have it you could still try if the objects works anyway.
When testing OFB objects in the base game I have never had any real issues, the only thing that has happened to me is that the object simply does not show up in the catalog or that it shows up but can't be placed, so I don't think there is any risk trying OFB objects in the base game. :)
Maya Collections and more flowers...
Just thought I would share a bit about upcoming projects. I have made another "Maya set", this time it's a kitchen and that will be published soon. I just need some final testing so everything works okey :) The next one in that serie will probably be a build mode collection, I have just started on a few things so that will probably take a while to finish...

Hi all!
I want to thank all of you for your very warm welcome! It feels good to be back, you are all so sweet :)I haven't been well lately and I have a lot of pain problems so my computer time is a bit limited but I will hopefully have something new to share with you all soon.