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Bitzybus's Guestbook

oldmember_AngelKitty1441Jun 27, 2005

Hugs BitzBus! Thank-you for including meshes! Love your work. I'll keep watching for your new things. Love them so very much. Very creative. Cheers! \:rah\:

brigitteJun 23, 2005

Hallo BitzyBus Du machst wunderbare Sachen.Bin ein großer Fan von Dir. Habe letztens Curtains bei Dir runtergeladen seh tolle aber da waren sie free. jetz habe Ich festgestellt,daß mir der rechte fehlt. wenn Du etwas machen kannst und mir behilflich bist wäre Ich Dir sehr dankbar. Der Vorhang heißt:CurtainLongLeft050423Mesh " Short050423Mesh und das rechte Teil fehlt mir. Im voraus besten Dank an Dich Viele Liebe Grüße Brigitte PS:meine E-Mail

Sunpowder65Jun 19, 2005

Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I think your Paradise Beach Set is AWSOME \:D thanks so much for sharing it with us you do a super fantastic job at what ever you make I always look forward to your creations\:D

Sunpowder65Jun 19, 2005

Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I think your Paradise Beach Set is AWSOME \:D thanks so much for sharing it with us you do a super fantastic job at what ever you make I always look forward to your creations\:D

PhadraeJun 19, 2005

I LOVE your reptiles! Awesome idea! Keep up the good work! \:rah\:

gatabajalalluviaJun 18, 2005

Yipeeeee more outdoor plants. They are incredible; I love them. Thank you so much!

Starla_tfcJun 1, 2005

Thanks for all the new beds, they look great\:wub\: Tack!

fw190a8May 29, 2005

I was browsing through the available object sets here at TSR and I came across some of your work. You have a LOT of objects uploaded, and they're all really great quality. My favourite has to be the 34 new plants! Thanks so much for sharing your work, and I especially like the way you've made complete sets with just about every applicable object. I'm looking forward to your next release already!\:\)

ead425May 25, 2005

really love your new precious baby nursery meshes. Would really love to do recolors on them....

kaloescheMay 23, 2005

I love your Celestial Sets! They are so cool. I've made a whole Celestial House, except for living room, I guess I'll mix and match the bedroom and study stuff to make a living room. THanks so much for sharing the sets, and I'd love to see more! Kendra \:rah\:

hippiebillMay 23, 2005

\:rah\: Love your stuff. How do you keep the creative juices flowing like that? Anyway, thanks for sharing with all of us.\:wub\:

ead425May 16, 2005

Luv your curtain nursery and bedroom, only one problem with it, I now have some many "gorgeous" curtains, and I can't share them...ha ha thank you.

LaLunaRossa72May 11, 2005

I just saw the preview of your new toddlers set.... breathtaking \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

Silentrunner2004May 9, 2005

\:rah\: I normally don't sign guest books, but I just wanted to tell you that I can understand why they say I'm an artist. I'm into cats and lizards, but you can really keep the snakes. Slithering things are just not my cup of tea. You do a lot of objects that we really love. Thank you so much!

wheeterMay 8, 2005

I have to tell you that the canopy beds and curtains that use all of the bedding files for color are the greatest thing since sliced bread!! Thank you so much for all of your excellent creations. \:rah\: Wheeter

wheeterMay 8, 2005

I have to tell you that the canopy beds and curtains that use all of the bedding files for color are the greatest thing since sliced bread!! Thank you so much for all of your excellent creations. \:rah\: Wheeter

oldmember_Samharr01May 7, 2005

counting down the days till that birdbath comes!!! can we use it in uploads? \:D

Beth8963Apr 19, 2005

Great Work! I love your creations. I do have one reqiest if you take them. Can you make a small dark blue dining table to go with your celestral kitchen set? Most of my kitchens aren't big enough for the big table. Thanks for all of your hard work!!\:rah\:

oldmember_Dalmationgurl07Mar 28, 2005

I really like your sets, but could you maybe make some additions to your artic living set. I mean a bedroom set and things for around the rest of the house besides just the living room. \:D They are looking great so far, keep up the great work!!!

zannaMar 21, 2005

\:\) I felt I really had to say a great big thankyou for all the hours you must have spent producing such fine work and also for your generosity in sharing it with us. Thankyou,\:D thankyou,\:D thankyou\:D nannasoozanna

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