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Bitzybus's Guestbook

oldmember_mefred69Mar 19, 2005

I really like your active boys set \:\) \:rah\: \:rah\: Any plans for a girls set?

jstwinkle5Mar 18, 2005

As you know part of what makes playing Sims2 so much fun is definately making homes and decorating them. I so enjoy coming to TSR and checking out what others have come up with, and I've found time and again that your name is on many of the things I'm taking. Just wanted to say thanks for sharing with me, I really enjoy much of your work. Really love your celestial stuff, your clocks, and those wall cats!\:rah\: I so encourage you to continue. Many Thanks.

oldmember_prettysim58Mar 16, 2005

\:D I really liked that sims urbz outfit. May I upload a sim with it on to the exchange on the I'll give you all the credits. Happy simmig ~Jessica~

nablanablaMar 15, 2005

I love scary mary, she'd been sitting in you profile for so long I'm so glad you decided to upload her, I especially like the hair (reminds me of something from the Urbs, not that I own it but from picures I've seen)\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

kimawMar 14, 2005

Bravo\:rah\: I am very impressed with the details of your creations. Please contribute more. kimaw

jeycaMar 10, 2005

Hi! Just wanted to thank you for sharing your creations with us, they are truly wonderful! Keep up the good work! \:rah\: \:D \:rah\:

Al3xandraMar 10, 2005

Hejsan! Måste säga att jag har tittat på dina prylar du gjort flera gånger utan att ens ha märkt att du var svensk =). Det var nu när jag såg en bokhylla med tv och allt som jag såg katt tavlan som Lasse Åberg gjort (har den nämligen själv) och då kollade jag lite nogrannare =) du är jätteduktig på att skapa saker =) Keep up the good work =)

oldmember_Samharr01Mar 10, 2005

you are my hero. that new set's amazing. truly amazing. love the cofe table, amazing \:eek\:

GLachailleMar 10, 2005

Okay, so after downloading yet more of your objects, I decided it was about time to actually thank you for adding more enjoyment to my game. I think I spend more time decorating rooms than actually playing my families and I love that not all families have the same furniture in various colors now... So Thank You! Thank You! and Thank you! plus ... \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

The_UnicornMar 10, 2005

wow, very nice, it's great to see those new objects... hope you're going to make more of those for other rooms to...\:rah\: yeah!!! you're great...

oldmember_lostdeviantFeb 26, 2005

your panda bedroom set is just what I need for my boy's room. Thank you! muchas gracias por el conjunto para la habitacion con Pandas. un beso

MummysimFeb 20, 2005

Nice work Bitzy. Very talented. Love Mummysim x

oldmember_LilKittenFeb 18, 2005

your sim stuff is awesome!!!specially your nursery sets, very cute and im an animal lover as well\:D \:rah\: \:wub\:

Little SeerFeb 17, 2005

Oh my gosh, I'm back again! I was just looking through all your sets. I love everything you make. Thank you again!\:rah\:

Little SeerFeb 17, 2005

I love your Animal Kingdom Set. You are just amazing! What a talented creator!\:wub\:

pippifour20Feb 16, 2005

I just had to let you know how much I adore the new little Monkey(teddy bear) you made! I love Monkeys\:wub\:, and he is just the cutest thing. Thank you very much, you always do such an awesome job

SROBERTS427Feb 15, 2005

Well I just wanted to stop by and let you know that your creations are great. I just started creating my own items and I admire all the things you have done. I only hope I can get to be half as good as you are. Take care and keep up the great work.\:rah\:

dolldremsFeb 13, 2005

Just wanted to stop by and thank you for your wonderful recolors and for being so fast at updating them to be EP compatible. I also enjoy your clothing. Thank you for putting in the time to make your items and for the thoughtfulness in sharing them with others. Your work has enriched my game play and I look forward to new creations! dolldrems

WickedMayesJuggaletteFeb 11, 2005

Love the shiny pearls bikini set! Truly remarkable! Keep up the great work!\:rah\:

bemawiFeb 5, 2005

I love your stuff. Especially the celestial living series. Many thanks for all the hard work and is there more planned?

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