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Bitzybus's Guestbook

oldmember_TSM73Feb 3, 2005

Cool work!\:ph34r\:

oldmember_suzanvanwilgenFeb 3, 2005

Hello This is from a true fan. I think all of your stuff is awsome\:\)I wish I had just half of your talent.Well I hope this dose'nt sound like I'm begging but could you maybe think about making a grandfarther clock and a desk to go with your celestial collection oh and my son think it would be neat if youcould make a toy boy too he likes the collection also he is 12yrs. Thanks again for the wonderful collections and for sharing your tallent with us all \:\) \:rah\: Your Fan, Suzan

kimmieFeb 1, 2005

had my doubts about the sims2 at first because of limited objects in game ,but thanks to you the game gets better all the time--have all downloads by you in my game that i get get ahold of---YOU ROCK! thanks a bunch---keep up the good work, love your stuff!

SunpowderFeb 1, 2005

Wonderful stuff and so well coordinated...Please keep making great sets like the Celestial bedroom and the Going Wild bedroom. Don't know if you do requests but I think a set based on the Chinese zodiac would be so cool!! If I had half your talent I'd make it myself.

oldmember_Jung FrauFeb 1, 2005

I LOVE your Celestial bedroom set!! I actually have that exact set on my bed right now...lolz...and now my sims will be able to share it as well...thank you so much for posting this...\:rah\: \:rah\: !! Jung Frau\:cool\:

LaLunaRossa72Jan 31, 2005

The celestial set is AWESOME!!! \:rah\: \:rah\: I love it \:wub\: Thank you for improving our Sims houses' decoration

cloisonneJan 31, 2005

Great bikini collection....very nice.\:rah\:

Crazy as a loonJan 30, 2005

I love your stuff, especially the Celestial Set. I see you love animals - bet I have you beat ... we have horses, dogs, cats, rats, chickens and snakes. We have had guinea pigs, rabbits and ferrets. Keep up the good work. I wish I had your talent. \:rah\:

CHICKEN42Jan 30, 2005

\:rah\: Hi, I LOVE your celestial set!! It is to DIE for! There's only one thing missing; a celestial Grand Father Clock. One would go absiloutly perfectly among your set! Don't look at this as a request so must as a suggestion from a fan. Chicken.

oldmember_lccism_70Jan 30, 2005

I just wanted you to know that the Celestial bedroom set that you made was AWESOME!!!!\:rah\: The best stuff I have seen by far!! Great work! I been wanting that exsact set!

wolfstarz7Jan 30, 2005

\:wub\: Hi BitzyBus...! All I can say is WOW...! With your Celestial Bedroom... and etched glass doors, you have really surpassed your usual excellence...! The doors are sooo beautiful...! I can't wait to put them in my game ! So cool that you love animals too! My Mom and I have 7 cats ! I LOVE your re-colors of the teddy bear...! Totally cute! Thanks again for creating such AWESOME stuff...! \:D

WickedMayesJuggaletteJan 28, 2005

\:rah\:Thank you sooooo much for the balloon recolors! now i can REALLY have a party! (i wish they would bring back the costume box though, that was my favorite!)

jannaJan 28, 2005

AH!!!!! Your celestial room is sooo beautiful!!! \:rah\: OK Im officially retiring from objects, youre making me look bad! LOL. Im just kidding but wow, Im just in awe of your talents! I should stay away from object making and get back into making hair, hahaha!!

oldmember_irelandeyz73Jan 27, 2005

\:D Very cool rooms - the Wolves room and the Horses room - wow! I cannot wait to use those in my Sims rooms - way to go!!!! Awesome! \:rah\: IrelandEyz

msnicolekingJan 24, 2005

I really like your tropical fish bathroom set. Thanks for taking the time to create the rug in the different positions. I really appreciate how much simpler it makes the decorating. Thanks!

PangolinJan 24, 2005

Thank you for the panda set it so cute \:\)

WickedMayesJuggaletteJan 23, 2005

The link on the page goes off the side of the page and i cant get it all. can you just post the link on my guestbook please? (Nice hair! can you tell me how to change hair color with bodyshop?) THANKS! -wickedmayesjuggalette

WickedMayesJuggaletteJan 23, 2005

Can you tell me the link to Xeloriah's page so i can download the floors and walls? I love your green butterfly bathroom! Thanks! -Wickedmayesjuggalette\:rah\:

SDGallagherJan 19, 2005

Carolina, thank you\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: I have hated that canopy thing over that lovely bed from the beginning. I've been trying to learn how to do simple recolors, ug! - let alone your fantastic stuff. Don't know how you did it, but you go, girl! Sherry Gallagher

StarratsJan 18, 2005

First of all I want to say \:rah\: your sets look really really greate \:rah\: And second, I am also recolouring objects and I also want to make them transparant can you tell me in little steps how I can do that \:D PLEASE!!!!!!!!! Greetz Starrats

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