BoydsRus (1152346)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (6 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Ye Old Cottage
Published Apr 9, 2008
About Me
I just bought The Sims last spring,2005. My Grandson got me into the When my grown children saw how much I loved it,they bought me Sims 2! As I can know longer work I spend as much time as I can on my Computer. I have Simmies that I have made but can't seem to get them uploaded. More than anything I hope to find out how to make new Hair Styles.
My Guestbook Show All
AngelaJan 18, 2011
Hey there, Thank you so much for your comment
midland_04Mar 24, 2009
Hey, Thanks for the great comments on my TC 108 Country Elegance Bedding & Wall. I'm so glad you like them. Sorry the reply is so late, I know u wrote back in Nov, but been having some guestbook issues since the change over. They are resolved now, and trying to catch up on my comments. Have a wonderful evening.
H3wwyDec 08, 2008
Hi there! Thank you so much for the lovely comment on my TC 40 lights! I am so glad you liked it! Have a great day, Issy