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BuffSumm's Guestbook

PuchiSaurioNov 18, 2020

Hi Buffsumm. Since the last update of the Sims4, all the doors and windows in your "Industry" collection are not working properly. Although in some window sets it says that they have been updated on September 21, 2020, they still do not work for me. I know that I am nobody to ask this of you, that it may be a lot of work and that you have retired, but those windows and doors are my favorite content of ALL the sims4 mods. Do you think you could fix it? Many of my buildings have been damaged. Thank you very much anyway.

xoxDahliaOct 27, 2020

Hi BuffSumm! I know guestbook probably isn't ideal to communicate this, but I wasn't sure how else to get in touch. I wanted to let you know that I've fixed all your doors and windows so that they work after the September patch. I have shared them via my Tumblr (https://xoxdahlia.tumblr.com/) out of desperation more than anything, but I would be happy to take them down if you prefer to re-upload them to TSR instead. Ordinarily I would seek permission from the artist before posting them, but since it looks like you've retired from TS4, I wanted to rescue your gorgeous sets from patch-imposed obsolescence. In any event, I hope you are well! Your creations are absolutely gorgeous, and if you ever do wish to return, I know you'll have a sea of excited open arms. xx Cheers, Dahlia

WildwingSuzOct 13, 2020

Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your creations, thanks for all the hard work I know it takes to make them. I especially like your kitchen clutter/decor, it's always the perfect finishing touch.

Chilly06Oct 11, 2020

Hallo liebe BuffSumm, ich habe alle Fenster neu runtergeladen, weil ich sah, dass sie geupdatet wurden sind, doch leider funktioniert nur ein Teil der Fenster wieder =/

alice_jhnsnOct 10, 2020

Hi buffsumm ! I hope you are all good ! I am sorry to bother you with my request, but I am desperate to play with your wonderful windows and doors. I never understood how important was an update until I can't play with almost of my houses because of that freaking game update. I love your content so much, and use your industrial ones everywhere. I reaaaally wanna use it again... Thank you so much in advance. Love.

Disney_Princess_Jasmine Oct 8, 2020

Can u tell me what your updating now that new update is out for October 2020?? Or if you are waiting for the S4S to make a batch fix?

Rita003Oct 4, 2020

Hello BuffSumm! Hoping you are having a wonderful day and that life is great for you. Am wondering, as many of us are, if you will be updating our windows & doors? Your creativity works so well with many builds. Not meaning to push, but it would help us if we had a timeline or to see what your intentions are. Peace, Love & Happiness Always! \:\)

P.J.MM.Sep 11, 2020


stevihjSep 7, 2020

I hope you are still creating as your items are wonderful!!! Thank you!

Ayu RavenwingSep 4, 2020

CC Windows are broken since the last patch, and i would ask if you would fix your's if it is possible? Since I really love to use them in my game. Greetings Ayu

gill2277Aug 22, 2020

my fav on here some amazing work

watersim44Jul 28, 2020

Hey, i like your Sims3-Stuff. happy simming. bye ws\:\)\:wub\:

AnnalulluJul 17, 2020

LOVE your creations!! hugs from Denmark 😊

alourelleJul 10, 2020

Hello BuffSumm, I just wanted to make you aware that someone appears to have stolen your content. They are selling your work (as well as other Sims creators' work) on a virtual world platform called Second Life. The currency on Second Life can be exchanged for real life currency so they are profiting off these items. This is the link to their store on the online market for Second Life: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/128168 If you have any questions, just let me know.

mel_hil1Jul 3, 2020

Would love to see a comeback of your 1950's pieces in sims 3..they were some of my favourite creations

DunkelJun 13, 2020

Hello! I wanted to say thank you for all your nice creations! I don't know how many sets I actually downloaded but I'm just SO VERY EXCITED to try them with a new Sims-Family :] Thanks a lot! Have a nice day and please, please keep up the lovely work \:\)

PinkestLizziesMay 23, 2020

Hope your still converting to sims 3

skyeW94Apr 18, 2020

you are amazing \:wub\:

Simsfover123Mar 17, 2020


SpireJan 21, 2020

Please, if you're still active, please, fix and update your amazing sets, especially for the latest patches from last year (from June, Island Living, to the newest ones for University and Tiny Stuff). I understand life is out there and we're all busy but, really please, we can't do without your amazing content! \:wub\:\:wub\:

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