Billabong Wetsuits
I've been thinking a lot about what to make for Marine Week, and here's what I eventually came up with: a set of ladies' shorty wetsuits in eight colour combinations (including, of course, pink!)
These wetsuits can be worn by adult and young adult females and use a standard Maxis mesh (no expansions, stuff packs or downloads required). I've categorised them under swimwear.
I didn't manage to fix the problems I encountered after installing the Celebration! Stuff Pack, but the bump maps did reappear after I uninstalled it. However, in the process I have lost all my neighbourhoods including even the default ones so I think I'm going to have to reinstall everything from scratch. I can't believe a stuff pack could cause so many problems! My theory is that the problem resulted from installing Celebration! out of order as I don't have any expansion packs installed more recent than Nightlife.
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