BunnyTSR's Blog
American Football Jerseys Set 3
Here is my third set of American football jerseys. I was asked to make jerseys for the following teams: Jacksonville Jaguars, New England Patriots, New York Giants and New York Jets (hope you like them Kenneth, Trey and Stacey!). I particularly like the jaguars on the sleeves of the Jacksonville jerseys. They're probably meant to be menacing but I think they're cute!
Again, these are tops only, for adult and young adult males and use a standard Maxis mesh, so they will work with any version of the game with or without expansion packs.
Also, I installed Nightlife recently and for some reason I could no longer see bump maps (i.e. the 3D texture of the clothing). If you can't see bump maps these tops will look awful. It's quite easy to fix. Take a look at this thread:
Help with seeing BumpMapped Things In-Game
Also make sure you have your game graphics set to high quality if possible.
American Football Jerseys Set 2
My first set of American Football Jerseys seemed quite popular and I was asked to make jerseys for three more teams: Carolina Panthers, Oakland Raiders and Denver Broncos (hope you like them Kristal, sovereign34 and Andrea!). I also made a jersey for the Miami Dolphins to complete a set of four (I liked the dolphins on the sleeves!).
Again, I've tried to make the jerseys as authentic as possible. These are tops only, are for adult and young adult males (provided you have University installed) and use a standard Maxis mesh.
Lace Heart Cami Sets
Continuing my University theme, I've created something for the girls this time: 12 pretty cotton and lace camisole sets in a range of colours and patterns. These are based on my Weekend Away cami set but with a heart motif.
Six camisoles have white lace panels and six have black lace panels (three polkadot patterned, two floral patterned and one plain in each).
These camis are for adult and young adult females (provided you have University installed, obviously) and use a standard Maxis mesh.
American Football Jerseys
Recently, I was asked to create a Dallas Cowboys American football jersey - a slight departure from my last two sets :-) Hope you like what I've come up with, Steph!I decided to make a set of football jerseys, and chose three other teams to make up the numbers (based entirely on the colours of their jerseys!): Green Bay Packers (green), New Orleans Saints (black) and San Francisco 49ers (red). I've tried to make these jerseys as authentic as possible.

These are tops only, are for adult and young adult males (provided you have University installed) and use a standard Maxis mesh.
Masquerade Ball Masks
The Masquerade Ball Masks are now fixed! Sorry - I forgot to upload the files! (Aside: Raveena, where's that "duh" smilie you made?) Hope you like them.Masquerade Ball
I'm afraid I couldn't get excited about the Go For Broke Theme Week, and have in fact gone completely the other way and created my two most decadent sets so far: a set of six luxurious period ballgowns in silk, satin and velvet, and a set of six intricate and colourful Venetian-style masks.The ballgowns come in two styles, three colours in each style.

The meshes required for the ballgowns can be downloaded from Besen's Sims2 Page. I only recently discovered this wonderful site - thanks, Kalynn! It's crammed full of gorgeous meshes. The two I've used for this set can be found at:
50s skirt
Rococo gown
The shorter gown was inspired by a Renaissance Maiden costume available from various costume hire websites. The full length gown was inspired by a gorgeous Rococo gown designed by The Very Merry Seamstress
All gowns are available for adults and young adults.
The masks will show up under costume make-up in the game and are available for Sims of all ages, male and female.
Help! Looking for a mesh
I'm looking for a specifically shaped mesh for my next project but I can't find a suitable one anywhere :-( . The closest I've been able to find is a subscribers only mesh at Sim Chic and an alpha dress mesh at MTS2 but the creator will not allow re-colours to be posted on any pay site. Can anyone point me in the direction of a free mesh for either whole body or bottom half only, with a full skirt - not too A-line, kind of bell-shaped, mid-calf length or just above the ankle (is that called ballerina length?) - preferably with simple heels, not platforms or any kind of fancy shoe mesh? There was a mesh in this style for Sims 1 which came with Makin' Magic - I used it to make a several skins, e.g.
If the skirt was slightly longer and fuller that would be fine.
Hope someone can help!
National Tartan Kilts
Recently, I was asked if I would make a version of my previous kilts using the Irish National Tartan. Hope you like it, John! I decided that to complete the set I would also create kilts in the Scottish and Welsh National Tartans.
I've given the Scottish kilt a thistle buttonhole, the Welsh kilt a daffodil buttonhole and the Irish kilt a shamrock brooch. Otherwise, they are basically the same as my previous kilts in that each outfit comes complete with sporran (leather pouch worn on a chain around the waist on the front of a kilt), sgian dubh ("black dagger" - in sock), kilt hose, matching flashes (garters), lace-up leather brogues (shoes) and belt buckle with thistle motif. These kilts are based on the original Maxis Sims 1 and Sims 2 kilts and use the standard Maxis mesh that came with The Sims 2. As I've explained previously, they aren't 100% authentic because I'm limited by the shape of the Maxis mesh (for a formal occasion, usually a tie or bow tie would be worn rather than an open necked shirt, and the outer jacket would have long straight sleeves). I have categorised these outfits as formal wear as they are usually only worn to weddings, formal dances, etc, these days. This time they are available for adults and young adults (provided you have University installed).
Playboy Bunnies
Did you notice my new avatar? Well, it was only a matter of time, really :-)...I finally managed to locate a Bunny Girl mesh, thanks to Lady DarkFire, and have at last been able to update my Sims 1 Bunnies and create my version of the Playboy Bunny Girl for Sims 2. What do you think?
The mesh was created by Aardvarkams and can be downloaded from ModtheSims2 (http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=48069). The mesh for the Bunny ears was created by Windkeeper, and is available here at TSR (http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Windkeeper/downloads/sims2/sets?ID=284735).
If you're a Sims 1 fan, you may have encountered my Sims 1 Bunny Girls. As with the Sims 1 Bunnies, I've tried to make my Sims 2 Bunnies as authentic as possible. The main difference with the Sims 2 version is that I've given all the Bunnies black stilletos rather than shoes to match their outfits as I think the black shoes are more elegant. In real life the Bunnies had matching shoes.
Here is an extract from a sixties recruitment brochure I found online (http://www.explayboybunnies.com):
"The Bunny costume consists of a smart satin suit (custom-designed for your alone), rabbit ears, cottontail, cuffs with Playboy cuff links, collar with bow tie, name medallion, heels and hose. Your Bunny costumes and accessories are furnished to you by the Playboy Club, with the exception of the dyed-to-match shoes, which you purchase, and the special hose which are provided for you at cost."
I wasn't sure how to categorise these outfits as they don't seem to fit into any of the standard categories, so I've designated them "everyday".
For a complete Bunny costume, you will need to download the body texture, ears texture and ears mesh from TSR and the body mesh from MTS2. The Bunny costume comes in 11 colours: black, emerald, pink, primrose, azure, gold, silver, lilac, ice blue, amethyst and aquamarine.