BunnyTSR's Blog
Cocktail Hour
My latest project is a set of satin cocktail dresses, mainly in pastel shades. I've used a mesh I haven't used before, created by Peggy called Peggybodymesh0002 available at: www.peggysims2.net/english/mesh/bodymesh0001.html. I have to confess I saw Rosemat make very good use of this mesh at Pronupsims.net and decided to see what I could do with it. It's a very cute mesh and I've used the fact that it requires three separate bitmaps to create contrasting linings for the dresses. My only regret is that there doesn't seem to be a bumpmap - so no texture :(. The dress was inspired by a Faviana prom dress at eDressMe.com. I'm hoping to get around to making preview pictures for the individual dresses and getting them uploaded over the next few days. The dress comes in ten shades, as follows: aquamarine, powder blue, champagne, rose, chartreuse, lavender, lilac, gold, silver and white.Easter Bunnies
It seemed appropriate given my love of bunnies that I should create something with a bunny theme for Easter. The obvious choice seemed to me to be a set of cute toddler dresses with bunny appliqué. I had forgotten how much of a pain it is producing good preview pictures of toddler outfits. However, after quite some time playing(!) the game I managed to obtain reasonable screen shots of the dresses and I have now submitted the set. It comprises four dresses: two white, one pink and one lilac, all with layered white broderie anglaise skirts and bunny appliqué. I think they're cute. I hope you agree. Happy Easter!Sea & Sky
This is my final set of embroidered gowns although I may still submit a few individual gowns. This set comprises seven gowns in shades of blue and green, some satin with pale embroidery, some velvet with dark embroidery. Again, they all use Rosemat's Giverny mesh available at http://rosemat.free.fr/Pronupsims2/indexeng_pronupsims.php?page=10a.Giverny Mesh
I understand that some people continue to have difficulties downloading the Giverny mesh used as the basis of many of my gowns. This beautiful mesh was created by Rosemat at Pronupsims, and can be downloaded free from that site. Pronupsims has a number of URLs and the one I have generally given in my installation instructions (because it's the simplest version) www.pronupsims.net appears not to work for some people.So here are the revised installation instructions:
The mesh required for the silk formal gowns can be found at Pronupsims and is called "Giverny":
1. Go to Pronupsims2 bridesmaids dresses page at http://rosemat.free.fr/Pronupsims2/indexeng_pronupsims.php?page=10a
2. The second dress from the left is pale pink. If you hover your mouse over the dress you will see at the very bottom left of your screen that the file is called SertieRose
3. Underneath this dress it says "Mesh" and if you hover your mouse over this link you will see at the very bottom left of your screen that it is called Giverny
4. Click on "Mesh" to download the Giverny mesh.
Victorian Velvet
Tonight I have submitted a set of six more embroidered gowns with a period feel which I've called "Victorian Velvet". These are basically just inverted versions of the "Fragrant Flowers" gowns which I felt resulted in a velvety appearance. The gowns come in jewel tones as follows: emerald, jade, antique gold, tourmaline (deep pink), amethyst (purple) and ruby. I'll probably submit one further set of embroidered gowns and then possibly some individual "leftovers" which I didn't feel fitted into any of the sets.Embroidered Gowns
Over the weekend I've submitted two more sets of Embroidered Gowns: "Ebony & Ivory" and "Fragrant Flowers". The former is self-explanatory. The latter consists of five gowns in floral tones: peach blossom, lilac, primrose, rose and lavender. Again, all these gowns use the Giverny mesh from Pronupsims and were inspired by a gown at www.gownsbysimpleelegance.com. Only 16 more colours to go...Four Seasons
My current project is an embroidered gown in silk/velvet and chiffon which I've actually managed to make in 27 different colours! The gown was inspired by a prom dress I saw at www.gownsbysimpleelegance.com which has a huge number of gorgeous dresses. I've reverted to my old favourite mesh, Giverny, by Rosemat, available from www.pronupsims.net. I notice Rosemat has created some new hairstyles, which is very exciting.The first set of embroidered gowns I've submitted consists of four dresses inspired by the Four Seasons of the year: spring leaves, summer sky, autumn foliage and winter snow. The other 23 variations will follow shortly!