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BunnyTSR's Blog

Sheer Elegance

This set is basically just an inverted version of the Pastel Princesses set with slightly altered alpha layers for a subtly different effect. I think it has a surprisingly different feel from the Pastel Princesses, much more sophisticated and glamorous. I hope you like it! Again, many thanks to Biene for the beautiful mesh (sim2-fashion.de) and to Faviana who designed the original dress which inspired all ten of my dresses (eDressMe.com).

Pastel Princesses

Today I've submitted a set of five formal gowns in pastel shades, similar to the Fairytale Ballgowns I made previously and again using Biene's wonderful mesh from Sim2-fashion.de. The dress was inspired by a beautiful Faviana prom dress I saw at eDressMe.com which is a site that often inspires me to create formal gowns. They have some gorgeous dresses there - I wish I had a prom to go to! This particular dress has an unusual sheer boned bodice which really captured my imagination. The ivory gown in the Pastel Princesses set could easily be used as a bridal gown and in the preview picture I've added a veil and hair flowers from Pronupsims.

Fairytale Ballgowns

Today I've submitted two Fairytale Ballgowns in pale pink which require Biene's gorgeous transparent ballgown mesh from www.sim2-fashion.de (wonderful web site). This beautiful mesh has two extra layers of skirt over the basic mesh which allows for some stunning effects (take a look at what Rosemat has done with it at Pronupsims). My two Fairytale Ballgowns are basically the same dress except that in one dress the extra layers are plain and in the other they're patterned, which makes quite a difference to the overall appearance. I was brought up devouring Ladybird books of fairytales like Cinderella, The Sleeping Beauty, etc, and I think that's what I had in mind when I was creating these dresses. By the way, you won't be seeing 27 re-colours of this dress as it doesn't seem to lend itself at all well to altering the hue and saturation :(

Ribbons & Lace

Over the weekend I've been working on a set of cute frilly dresses for toddlers which I've imaginatively called Ribbons & Lace. Getting decent preview pictures was a total pain as you really can't see the dress properly on the toddler sitting on the floor in CAS and I don't like BodyShop shots, so I ended up having to find a toddler in my game who could walk and send her mother to a community lot to buy all the dresses. Then I had to try to get a clear shot of the toddler walking in six different dresses without her falling asleep or giving off clouds of toxic gas. There must be an easier way! I may not be making any more toddler outfits so I hope you like these ones!

Clan Maclean Hunting Tartan

By request, I have re-coloured my formal kilt again, this time using the Clan Maclean dark green hunting tartan. I hadn't planned to make a set so I'd already submitted the dress tartan kilt as a single item. I've now re-submitted it as part of a Clan Maclean set, which may cause chaos - I hope not. Anyway, any feedback from Macleans out there would be welcome.

Clan Maclean Kilt

A few days ago I was asked to make a version of my formal kilt in Maclean tartan. Working on this has provided a welcome break from planning (or rather failing to plan) my wedding. I had no idea there were so many different Maclean tartans. The one I have used is one of the formal dress tartans worn on special occasions. For everyday use a dark green hunting tartan is worn. I have also included a Maclean clan badge on the right lapel of the jacket. If I've got anything wrong I would be grateful if any Macleans out there would let me know. My source for much of this information was the Clan Maclean web site at http://www.maclean.org.

Black & White Ball

I surprised even myself today by coming up with two more re-colours of my silk formal gown, this time in simple and elegant black and white. The white dress could easily be used as a bridal gown. The background I've used for the preview shots is a photograph of the beautiful ballroom at the Corinthia Grand Hotel Royal in Budapest, which looks breath-taking. I've never been to Budapest but would like to visit some day.

Mesh for silk formal gowns

I've had a few PMs asking where to find the mesh required for the silk formal gowns. It can be found at Pronupsims (www.pronupsims.net) and is called "Giverny":

1. Go to Pronupsims2 at http://www.pronupsims.net

2. On the menu on the right hand side choose The Guests

3. Click on the Bridesmaid picture top centre

4. Scroll along the dresses by clicking and holding the arrow at the right hand end of the scroll bar underneath the dresses until you come to a dark blue dress

5. If you hover your mouse over the dress you will see at the very bottom left of your screen that the file is called Opaline

6. Underneath this dress it says "Mesh" and if you hover your mouse over this link you will see at the very bottom left of your screen that it is called Giverny

7. Click on "Mesh" to download the Giverny mesh.

While you're there, take the opportunity to check out Rosemat's beautiful gowns, lingerie, accessories and hairstyles.

Natural Glamour

Today I've been working on another set of re-colours of my Valentine formal silk gowns, this time in shades (loosely) inspired by nature. I started off thinking of Earth tones but as usual ended up stretching that a bit and now the set also includes some nice Spring colours. By the way, I realise it looks a little odd having the girls standing in a field wearing formal gowns - call it poetic license; I just wanted to have appropriate colours in the background. I think I may have run out of colours now so I may be forced to create something entirely new to re-colour 27 times.

Babydoll mesh by Dr Pixel

I have discovered that there seems to be a problem with my babydoll nighties not showing up in the game. I hadn't realised when I submitted these outfits, but there appear to be two different versions of the babydoll mesh by Dr Pixel: one here at TSR which I originally linked to in my babydoll downloads, and another at Dr Pixel's own site theblarneystone.org, which is the version I used when creating the outfits. If you don't have the Blarney Stone version of the mesh my babydoll nighties will not show up in your game as the meshes have slightly different names. The Blarney Stone version is free to download. I would be interested to hear if anyone else has had problems. Thanks to Ian for highlighting this problem.

Latest Headlines

Sheer Elegance Pastel Princesses Fairytale Ballgowns Ribbons & Lace Clan Maclean Hunting Tartan Clan Maclean Kilt Black & White Ball Mesh for silk formal gowns Natural Glamour Babydoll mesh by Dr Pixel
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