Carabella (460635)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Liv\'en in the 50\'s
Published Jul 22, 2008
About Me
Hi, just a bit about me.
I have been playing the sims sense the beginning of the Sims 1. A friend bought my daughter The Sims as a gift, and I played it more then she did. Now I play Sims 2.
I am a homemaker and am married with two daughters that are gone now. Just me and hubby at home
That's it, won't bore you any further.
My Guestbook Show All
IllianaJul 10, 2009
Carabella! (((Tackle hugs you!))) Where on EARTH have you been? (Can ya tell I missed you? LOL!) You know, they say good things come to those who wait. Unfortunately, you got me instead, so that saying HAS to be wrong! This is my round-about way of saying that I have been a totally ungrateful git, and have not taken the proper time to thank you for the sweet comment you left on the Sutters Pond lot! I really do hope you enjoy it, and thank you for your patience as well! Enjoy the home, and please know that I really DO appreciate your kind words and have missed you! Love and hugs - Illiana
TKayOJun 30, 2009
Again, thanks for your comment on one of my homes!
TKayOJun 28, 2009
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment on one of my starter homes. I really appreciate it.