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Cashcraft's Blog

Bridgerton Regency Antiques, May 30th

Hi y'all,

It's a collection of British Regency antiques inspired by the Netflix series, Bridgerton. The Sims 3 set is scheduled for publication on May 30, 2023, and it includes the following 8 new objects: an armchair with scrolled arms, a popular style during the Regency era. A pedestal bowl, that's re-colorable and a silver basket, both can be used with the separate fruit object. The fruit, tea caddy, tall vase for floor placement, a bough pot vase, and a 2-tile console table with lots of slots (3-slots have identical  xyz coordinates, so that you can use the fruit with the bowls in these slots.)

A British Regency Antiques collection folder is available for download at MediaFire,

Special note: to use the optional fruit with either the pedestal bowl or the silver basket requires a surface that contains 2 slots with identical xyz coordinates for placement of objects, both the console table and the oval nightstand (from my previous set, Daphne's British Regency, Part III, ItemID: 1642428)  have this feature. You can also use the pedestal bowl and silver basket without the fruit.

I hope your Regency Sims enjoy these additional decorative and functional objects.

Happy Simming,

Carolyn aka, Cashcraft


Daphne's British Regency Part III is scheduled for publication, Feb. 25, 2023

Hello everyone,

Daphne's British Regency Part III is scheduled for publication on Feb. 25th, 2023. Your Regency loving Sims will hopefully love the additional pieces, which includes a pillow for the bench, blue vase, decorative box, oval nightstand (endtable), re-colorable porcelain vase, dressing screen (cloned from a dresser), console table, decorative wall panel, and a yellow alabaster box.

A Daphne's British Regency collection folder is available for download at,

Happy Simming,

Cashcraft, a.k.a., Carolyn


Daphne's British Regency Part II is scheduled for publication, Feb 23, 2023


Daphne's British Regency Part II is scheduled for publication on Feb. 23, 2023. The Sims 3 set includes additional new objects for the game, which are a tulip embroidery with hoop, hosta plant, washstand (cloned from an end table), a decorative bowl, a decorative pitcher, tall lingerie chest (end table), wall lighting, two oval wall mirror and the 2nd variant is re-colorable, and a pink alabaster decorative box. Stay tune for Part III, later this week. Enjoy!

P.S., A Daphne's British Regency collection folder is available for download at,

Happy Simming,


Daphne's British Regency Part I is scheduled for publication, Feb 21, 2023

Hello and happy belated Valentine's Day!

A new Sims 3 set is scheduled for publication on Feb. 21, 2023. Daphne's British Regency Part I, is inspired by the Netflix series Bridgerton. The Sims 3 set features elegant and luxurious furniture from a bygone era. The British Regency collection Part I includes 8 new meshes, which are a double bed, a matching canopy, a bench (cloned from a loveseat) for the foot of the bed, a group of pillows for the bed, a nightstand (end table), throw for the bed, and an alabaster decorative box (clutter). Part II and Part III of the set will be available soon--probably later this week.

At this point in time, the entire set includes a total of 24 new meshes plus 3 color variants. A collection folder is available for download at MediaFire,

Enjoy and happy simmings!

Cashcraft a.k.a., Carolyn


Hearts, Holly and Home Sims 3 Set Part II, December 31, 2022

Hello everyone and Happy Holidays!

I've submitted a new Sims 3 set, Hearts, Holly, and Home Part II, it's scheduled for publication on December 31, 2022. The set includes an additional 10 new objects for your Sims holiday decorating needs, which are a trio of mini decorative Christmas trees, a holly and berries cookie jar, mini decorative house, two variants of place settings, a holiday mailbox (cloned from an end table), joy wall art, peace wall art, tree farm with truck wall art, and a shelf with stockings (cloned from a desk with slots for additional decorative clutter). Enjoy!

P.S., An updated Hearts, Holly and Home collection folder is available for download at MediaFire,

Wishing you a Joyful, Blessed, and Happy New Year!

Carolyn a.k.a, Cashcraft

Hearts, Holly and Home Sims 3 Set, December 25th

Happy Holidays!

The Sims 3 set, Hearts, Holly and Home celebrates the holiday seasons and is scheduled for publication on December 25, 2022. The set will take your Sims from Christmas to Valentine's Day. Part I includes 10 new objects, which are a bench (cloned from a loveseat), buffet for the dining room, a centerpiece (lighting), a dining chair with a slot for a decorative wreath, a long dining table, a small round dining table, a decorative, heart-shape pillow, wall shelves, storage box with a pillow, and a small decorative, wreath for the dining chair. Part II will be available soon after and it includes additional items for your holiday home decorating needs. I hope you enjoy the set and the upcoming holiday season, 'Tis a Farmhouse Holiday!

A Hearts, Holly and Home collection folder is available for download at MediaFire,

Happy Holidays,

Carolyn a.k.a., Cashcraft

It's Halloween 2022 is scheduled for publication Oct. 20, 2022

Hi y'all,

Fall is my favorite season, multi-colored leaves, cool nights, and HALLOWEEN!!! This Sims 3 set features 8 new meshes, which are a fireplace with lots of slots, a hanging bats decoration, head in a jar, jack-o-lantern, magic broom (just joking), vampire moon wall art, a pair of skinny witch legs, and finally a witches' spell book. I really enjoyed creating this set, it reminds me of my favorite type of horror movie, lots of scares with a touch of humor. The set is set for publication on October 20, 2022. BOO!

P.S. A Halloween 2022 collection folder is available for download at MediaFire,

Take care and happy simming,

Carolyn aka Cashcraft

New Set release on October 2, 2022--Your Grace Regency Collection, Part I

Dearest Readers,

It's another Sims 3 set inspired by the series Bridgerton, Your Grace Regency collection Part I and the set is schedule for publication on October 2, 2022. Part II is coming soon and I hope you enjoy the set.

The Duke and I have moved into the enormous Clyvedon Castle and it's time to redecorate the place. Your Grace Regency Collection Part I, includes 8 new meshes, which are a vanity dressing table with lots of slots for decorative items, a mirror for the vanity dressing table, an elegant candelabra with a bee motif, a vanity tray with makeup, a large bottle of perfume, hair brushes and hand mirror, a set of hatboxes filled with copies of Lady Whistledown's gossip sheets and a vanity chair. Stay tuned for Your Grace Regency Collection Part II, which is coming soon and I hope you enjoy the set.

A Your Grace Regency collection folder is available for download at MediaFire,

Danbury Regency Collection Part II, June 29, 2022

The Danbury Regency Collection Part II is a Sims 3 set inspired by the Netflix series, Bridgerton. The set is scheduled for publication on June 29, 2022 and it includes 8 new objects for your British Regency loving Sims, the items are a decorative royal crown, a gold embossed tea cup, sterling silver teapot, wall lighting, two collectible vases, a pedestal column to display the vases, and a painting of a potted Hyacinth plant to use with the canopy (an object included with Danbury Regency Collection Part I). I hope you have as much fun decorating with the set, as I did.

Take care and Happy Simming,

Carolyn aka Cashcraft

P.S., an updated collection folder is available for download (only 1 object is missing from the previous collection folder),

Danbury Regency Collection Part I, June 26, 2022

Hello everyone,

The Danbury Regency Collection Part I, is a Sims 3 set inspired by the Netflix series, Bridgerton and It is scheduled for publication on June 26, 2022. I had so much fun creating this set, I fell in love with the interior designs from the series, Bridgerton. Part I features 8 new meshes, a daybed (cloned from a loveseat), a canopy, oblong decorative pillow, a set of square decorative pillows, boudoir chair, portrait of Queen Charlotte, end table, and a footstool. I hope you enjoy this set of British Regency era furnishings and decorative objects. Part II is coming soon.

A set Danbury Regency collection folder is available for download at MediaFire,

Take care,

Carolyn aka Cashcraft

Latest Headlines

Bridgerton Regency Antiques, May... Daphne's British Regency Part... Daphne's British Regency Part II... Daphne's British Regency Part I... Hearts, Holly and Home Sims 3... Hearts, Holly and Home Sims 3... It's Halloween 2022 is scheduled... New Set release on October 2,... Danbury Regency Collection Part... Danbury Regency Collection Part...
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