So Many Questions!
So Many Questions!
The majority of the questions I am asked are about Sims 3.
Do I plan on converting my Sims 2 Victorian creations to Sims 3 packages? I really don’t know at this time, it may not be feasible to convert the files. I am not an expert on Sims 3, but one of the main problems (for me) is that Sims 3 requires two meshes, a low and high polygon model. The game uses the low-polygon model for distance viewing and a few other things. Real life keeps me very busy and I don’t have the time to create low-poly meshes for all of my older creations. I have created over 600 meshes!
Also, some of my Sims 2 creations need to be re-UV mapped to appear at their best in Sims 3. However, the main drawback is that attending college and family commitments limit the amount of free time I have to create for the game.
After five years of creating for Sims 2, I can just about create the “stuff” in my sleep, LOL! So, I will continue to submit Sims 2 creations to TSR, this is stuff I have already made and have not found time to publish. I have downloaded the latest version of TSR Workshop (Sims 3) and I cannot wait to give it a try! A few weeks ago, I was able to create a Sims 3 object and view it in game! Unfortunately, I have to stop and get to work on writing final exam papers for school. I have just about forgotten everything I learned and need to refresh my memory by reviewing a few tutorials. So, it may be a while before I submit Sims 3 stuff, but I am too addicted to creating for the Sims game to give it up now!
Question two is can I recolor your creations? For all of you artists who want to recolor my stuff. YES! You are allowed to recolor ALL of my creations, just be sure to follow the TSR site rules and create your own custom textures. It is always a pleasant surprise to see my creations recolored by another artist. It is not necessary, but it would be nice to receive credit for creating the mesh.
That’s all for Now! Happy Simming!