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Cashcraft's Blog

Gabby's Camping Adventure Part 2, May 31st

Hi y'all,

Gabbbys Camping Adventure Part 2, is scheduled for publication on May 31, 2019. The Sims 3 set features wall art, accessories and an armoire (cloned from a dresser) with a stuffed snake toy on its roof. Part 2, also features, several woodland critter statues (decorative clutter), woodland critter books and bookends, another toy camper in blue, wall art (with 5 variants) and the armoire with snake, which has 3 variant colors of the snake. This was a fun set to create--I hope you enjoy it.

An updated collection folder is available for download at MediaFire, here.

Happy camping and watch out for snakes!


Gabby's Camping Adventure, May 18th

Gabby's Camping Adventure is a Sims 3 set that I created for my niece Gabriella, who loves the outdoors and all things camping. The set is scheduled for publication on May 18, 2019 and it features a tent bed (cloned from a loveseat), Armoire (cloned from a dresser), a woodland fairy table (dining table), toadstool chair, decorative hanging spheres for the tent bed, a pink toy camper, a tree styled bookshelf, and a tripod floor lamp. So, if you're a camping enthusiast, or you just enjoy the great outdoors, this is the set for you and your Sims. Watch out for bears!

Gabby's Camping Adventure collection is folder is available at MediaFire, here.

Gabby's Camping Adventure, Part II is coming soon! Take care and Happy Simming!

Contempo Fireplace Set Part II, April 24th


I just finished part 2 of the Contempo Fireplace Set and it's scheduled for publication on April 24, 2019. The Sims 3 set includes 8 new decorative accent pieces, which are an art deco fireplace screen, a long candle holder, a short candle holder, wall candelabra, a large painting with 3 variants, a spring wreath wall artwork, decorative bowl and a distressed deco candle holder. I hope your enjoy the set.

An updated collection folder is available on MediaFire for download, here.

Take care and Happy Simming!

Contempo Fireplace Set, March 31st

Hi y'all,

My Sims 3 Contempo Fireplace set is scheduled for publication on March 31, 2019. It's a contemporary set, which features a fireplace and bookcase unit and 8 new objects, and an older object updated from the Sims 2 game, books and bookends. The new meshes are a fireplace and bookcase unit, a long stack of books, 2 decorative plates, a large jug container, an ornate wall mirror, fireplace screen, and a stack of wood with fireplace tools.

The fireplace bookcase unit has 35 slots for decorative objects. I hope to release Contempo Fireplace, Part II very soon. I wanted to release the set before Christmas, but I got super busy during the holidays and I had a few health issues with chronic laryngitis. I've been on voice rest for months and I'm someone who loves to talk and socialize, but I'm slowly getting better.

A collection folder is available for the set at Media Fire, here. So, place a couple of comfy chairs (from my Pretty Little Stuff set) before the fireplace and grab a good book to read. Enjoy!

Take care,

Carolyn a.k.a Cashcraft

Modern Laundry Part 4, March 10th

Hi y'all,

Modern Laundry Part 4, is scheduled for publication on March 10, 2019. This Sims 3 set includes 10 new objects for the laundry, which are a workstation for the stackable washer and dryer, rolled bath towels, laundry detergent, oxi 28 stain product, rolling basket, a pile of clothes (for the rolling basket), spray stain remover, spray bottles with caddy, a trio of vintage containers and a trio of vintage containers that are recolorable.

I had a lot of fun creating the set and I hope you enjoy it! An updated/revised Modern Laundry collection folder ( is available for download at MediaFire, here.

Thanks for downloading my creations, I really appreciate it, and Happy Simming!

Carolyn a.k.a. Cashcraft

Modern Laundry Part 3, December 5th

Happy Holidays!

Modern Laundry Part III is scheduled for publication on December 5, 2018. Part III includes 10 new objects for your laundry room, which are bath towels, clothes rack, laundry organizer unit, SCraft Pro steam iron, empty basket for storage, a smaller stack of bath towels, a trio of wall art, wall lighting, wicker basket filled with clothes, and an empty wicker laundry basket. Now your Sims can steam, press, and fold in luxury and comfort. Happy Simming!

An updated Modern Laundry collection folder is available for download at MediaFire, here.

Hugs and Take care,

Carolyn aka Cashcraft

Modern Laundry Part 2, Nov. 12th


Thanks so much for all the lovely comments on Modern Laundry Part I, I really appreciate the feedback. Laundry Part 2, is set for publication on November 12, 2018.

Part 2 includes 8 additiional new objects, lots of cleaning and laundry products, which are Wave, Fall, and Clean Earth laundry detergents, gallons of Ammonia and Cloroc Bleach, a pedestal drawer for the washer/dryer and 2 additional washer and dryer (_bottom objects) with lots of slots and when combined with Part I large appliances become stackable objects.

I am currently working on Modern Laundry Part 3, which I hope to release soon. A collection folder for Modern Laundry is available for download at MediaFire here.

Take Care and Happy Simming,

Carolyn aka Cashcraft

Modern Laundry Part I, Nov. 7th

It's a Modern Laundry Set scheduled for publication on November 7, 2018. Part I includes 8 new objects for your home, which are: a clothes hamper sorter, hanging clothes, an ironing board, Simco washer and dryer set, a laundry supplies cart, utility sink, and a laundry workstation. The set is decorative only. Part II will be available soon. Happy clothes sorting, folding and ironing!

A Modern Laundry collection folder is available for download at MediaFire here.

Thanks for downloading my creations and I hope you enjoy the set

Pantry Part 4, September 3rd.


On September 3, 2018 the Sims 3 set, Pantry Part 4 "Small Appliances and Accessories," will be published. The set includes 10 new objects and/or recolors. There are a couple of small appliances, an 18qt. roaster oven and a 4 slice toaster (decorative only), 3 sets of pitchers with mugs or beverage glasses, jars of dill pickles, jars of marinara sauce, jars of peaches, an updated shopping bags (I fixed the color variants, there are now 3) and a hanging oven mitten. I hope you enjoy the set!

An updated Pantry Collection Folder is available for download at MediaFire, here.

Take Care,

Carolyn, aka Cashcraft

Pantry Part 3, August 27th


You might have guessed ... I have a "thing" for organization and storage within The Sims' world and in real life. It's both a blessing and a curse, lol!

Pantry Part 3 is set for publication on August 27, 2018. The set includes 8 new objects, a metal storage rack "The Rack," with over 40 slots, canned jars of green beans, stewed tomatoes, 4 packs of or orange and lemon-lime sodas, shopping bags, hanging towel rack, and a 4 pack of San Pleasant mineral water. 

I'm also finishing up Pantry Part 4, which should be available by the end of this week for download. An updated collection folder for the Pantry set is available for download at MediaFire here.

Take care and happy simming!

Carolyn aka, Cashcraft

Latest Headlines

Gabby's Camping Adventure Part... Gabby's Camping Adventure, May 18th Contempo Fireplace Set Part II,... Contempo Fireplace Set, March 31st Modern Laundry Part 4, March 10th Modern Laundry Part 3, December 5th Modern Laundry Part 2, Nov. 12th Modern Laundry Part I, Nov. 7th Pantry Part 4, September 3rd. Pantry Part 3, August 27th
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