Cashcraft's Blog
Release Date, May 21st
Vintage Victorian Bedroom Part III, Add-ons is scheduled for release on May 21st. Set includes 6 New Meshes, sofa/loveseat, arm chair, coffee table, single bedframe and canopy, and decorative dressing gown/bathrobe.Vintage Victorian Part III
Whew! Part III of my Vintage Victorian Bedroom set is just about complete. It's been a labor of love and I can't wait to release the set. While it's being beta tested here are a few screenies, single four poster bed, and canopy, loveseat, and dressing gown (decorative).

Victorian Bedroom Part II -- May 8th
Vintage Victorian Bedroom Part II - Decor, is scheduled for publication on May 8th. Vintage Victorian Bedroom Part II includes, a canopy for the four poster bed, a blanket chest/coffeetable, victrola/stereo (fully animated), hatbox, ottoman, pitcher with bowl, without the doily and a few recolors.Wow! I'm Overwhelmed
Wow! I'm overwhelmed by the wonderful response to my Vintage Victorian Bedroom set, Part I. So many fantastic comments, I never knew so many people enjoyed Victorian furniture and decorative objects.Over the next few day I hope to respond to most of your comments. Also, I plan to publish Vintage Victorian Bedroom, Part II very soon. Will keep you posted on the date. Thanks!
Vintage Victorian Bedroom
Hi, I hope to publish my Vintage Victorian Bedroom Part I on May 2th. I'm still loving the Victorian Era, and working on Part II of the bedroom set. I just finished a new ottoman (Part II), here's a preview...
Next Project -- Vintage Victorian Bedroom
Well, I'm still stuck in the Victorian era, and working on a Vintage Victorian Bedroom set to match my Vintage Victorian Bath set. Also, I created a sofa to match my Asian Inspired/Recolors sets and hope to have it available for publication sometime this week.Check back for preview pictures of my Vintage Victorian Bedroom set.
Happy Easter
Happy Easter, wishing you a blessed, and safe holiday!Vintage Victorian Part III
Vintage Victorian Part III scheduled for release, Apr. 15th. Part III included 3 new meshes, working Armoire,(disquised as a linen cabinet), vanity cabinet with glass doors, and new low-tank toilet.Vintage Victorian Part 3
I hope to have Part 3 of my Vintage Victorian set ready for publication sometime next week. Here's a sneak peek...