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Cashcraft's Blog

October 14th, All Sewn Up

My next Sims 3 set is scheduled for publication on October 14th, All Sewn Up is a set for the Sims who loves sewing and handcrafts. The set includes a professional sewing machine (decorative only), sewing desk, parson chair, storage cabinet, vase of tulips, knitting basket and a dress form. It was a fun set to create, unfortunately I don't have time to sew, knit or crochet in real life, lol. The collection folder for the set is available for download at MediaFire.

I really appreciate all the lovely comments, compliments and welcome backs, which I have received from fans of my work, thanks ever so much!


Carolyn a.k.a. Cashcraft

Sleepy Hollow is Coming to TSR!

I'm a huge fan of the hit American television series on Fox, Sleepy Hollow. The series is a fun mixture of creepy and campy and I can't wait for the premiere of the sophomore season on September 22nd. This set was created so my obsession with the show (watching all 13 episodes of season one multiple times) would serve a useful purpose, creating for the Sims 3 game.

My Sleepy Hollow artifacts include the headless horseman's skull in a pickle jar, Katrina's necklace, George Washington's bible, a golem, vintage baby carriage, Ouija board, and Katrina's headstone. If you are not familiar with the show no  worries, the set items can be used as part of a Halloween theme. The collection folder for the set can be downloaded at MediaFire.


Rustic Restoration Dining Collection Folder

The collection folder for the Rustic Restoration Dining set is available for download at MediaFire here.

Thanks and Hugs,



Rustic Restoration Dining, June 8th

Whew, it’s been nearly 2 years since I created and submitted my last Sims 3 set, Laylah's Dollhouse Extras.

Fortunately, when I fired-up my 3D animation software Maya and started working, it all came back; it is like riding a bike. Although I only created basic objects for my “return debut,” I'm not ready for anything too complicated yet, LOL.

I hope you enjoy Rustic Restoration Dining, which is scheduled for publication on June 8, 2014. The set includes 14 new furnishings, a dining table, chair, shelving unit, buffet (sideboard), ceiling lighting, a few decorative clutters items, and a bonus item from an upcoming set, Decor8.

It's good to be back, Hugs,




Well, it's possible I spoke to soon about being back! A couple weeks ago, I suffered a major crash on the computer I use to create Sims custom content. A freak electrical storm during a windows update cause the computer's operating system to become corrupted and I was unable to boot to the desktop. Fortunately, I had a recovery image of my hard drive and was able to recovery most of my files, but I did lose my current Sims 3 project.

So, I am starting all over again with a "new and improved" Sims 3 project! I'll keep you updated with my progress.

Take Care and Hugs!


It's Good to be Back!

Well, I'm back and creating again for Sims 3! I've started out with a simple project that consists of a baker's rack and a few decorative items. I haven't created anything for the Sims for several months, so it's taken me longer to complete the set than normal, but it great creating custom content again.

Hopefully, my mini set Decor8 will be published within the month! 

Take care and hugs,


Just Taking A Short Break...

Hi y'all!

My short break from Sims 3 has lasted longer than expected, due to a few health and family issues, but I hope to start creating again soon!

Thanks for all the wonderful guestbook comments and compliments!

Take care,


Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope those of you that celebrate Thanksgiving have a wonderful, safe, and blessed holiday! Currently, I am working on a new project for Sims 3, it's an elegant and stately bedroom suite. I hope to publish it before the end of November.





Oct. 7th, Laylah's Dollhouse EXTRAS

Laylah's Dollhouse Bedroom Extras set features additional furnishings and decorative objects for the collection. The extras include a loveseat, living chair, table lamp, end table, coffee table, a chubby baby doll toy, and more!

I've also updated the collection folder for the set--you can download it here at MediaFire.

Laylah's Dollhouse Bedroom Extras set is scheduled for publication on October 7, 2012.

Thanks for downloading Laylah's Dollhouse Bedroom set and I hope you enjoy the extras!

Have fun,


Sept. 5th, Laylah's Dollhouse Bedroom

Laylah’s Dollhouse Bedroom is a playful and functional bedroom collection for a tween or young girl. The collection features a “dollhouse,” single brass bed, desk and chair, armoire, dresser with attached mirror, floor lamp, decorative pillow set, starfish clutter object, and a Princess Phone (decorative only). It’s the perfect bedroom set for a pampered little princess! Laylah's Dollhouse Bedroom is scheduled for publication on September 5, 2012. You can download the set's collection folder here.

Happy Simming,


Latest Headlines

October 14th, All Sewn Up Sleepy Hollow is Coming to TSR! Rustic Restoration Dining... Rustic Restoration Dining, June 8th News! It's Good to be Back! Just Taking A Short Break... Happy Thanksgiving! Oct. 7th, Laylah's Dollhouse EXTRAS Sept. 5th, Laylah's Dollhouse...
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