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Cashcraft's Blog

Feb. 14th, Art of Seduction

Sims 3 set Art of Seduction is scheduled for publication on February 14, 2012.

I wanted to include a collection folder, but package files are not yet supported by TSR, however the collection folder can be downloaded from here. Art of Seduction is a collection of old world styled, antique bedroom furnishings--Sims looking for a romantic setting for Valentine's Day will enjoy its luxurious textures and seductive charm.

The set includes 10 new objects: a canopy bed, nightstand, table lamp, a chest with cushioned top, cabinet with mirror, beverage set, gift box, round table, and two stately chairs (dining and arm chair).

Happy Valentine's Day!



Upcoming Sims 3 Set, Art of Seduction!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Here are a few pictures of my upcoming Art of Seduction Sims 3 bedroom set, it features a bed fit for royalty, nightstand, table lamp, a large chest, a tall cabinet with attached mirror, and a couple decorative objects. The set's bed still needs a few tweaks, but all the other objects are ready to go! I've also created a collection folder for the set.

Art of Seduction might be the perfect bedroom set for Sims looking for a romantic setting for a Valentine's Day celebration. 

Take Care and Happy Simming!








Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa!

Happy Holidays! Season Greetings! Whew, have I covered all the holiday greetings? I've been singing Christmas carols all week, I don't have the best voice in the world, but I am enthusiastic and loud! 

*Singing loudly* Wishing you and yours a very, very Merry Christmas and a Joyous and blessed New Year!




Beds, Beds, and more Wonky Beds!

What's New!

I plan to start updating my Sims 3 beds next week for the Pets EP; I have 7 beds and 1 bathtub to fix so that their animation is no longer wonky in game. I have already patched my Sims 3 game, installed the latest version of TSR Workshop, "fixed" the custom content in my download folder, and next week, I hope to finally get around to installing The Sims 3: Pets EP on my hard drive. Wish me luck, my game is running great now and I'm afraid of "breaking it!"

Retro Modern Kitchen Etc., December 5th

Retro Modern Kitchen Etc., is a mini Sims 3 set (8 new meshes), which is scheduled for publication on December 5th. I finally completed the set's retro-styled dishwasher and trash compactor, and I have conquered my fear of geostates, LOL! The set also includes a working espresso machine, 2 pantry cabinets, and a few decorative clutter objects.

My Upcoming Sims 3 Projects?

My next project will most likely be another bedroom set, once I fix my older beds for The Sims 3: Pets EP. Depending on the popularity of the Retro Modern Kitchen Etc. set, I may create additional objects for the kitchen (another mini-set); I never get tired of creating kitchen clutter!

Take Care and Happy Simming,


Oct. 17th, Retro Modern Kitchen

Retro Modern Kitchen is schedule for publication on October 17, 2011. The kitchen collection includes 26 objects, a few are old favorites from Sims 2, but most are new creations. The set includes a retro styled stove and refrigerator, microwave, food processor, cabinets and counters, dining table and chair, pot rack (cloned from a smoke alarm), two sinks, and several small decorative clutter objects.

Initially, I planned to create a Victorian kitchen, but a picture of a Retro Modern Kitchen reminded me of my mom’s kitchen. Early this year my mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness and required 24/7 care, during the following months, I spent many hours in her kitchen creating Sims 3 custom content on my laptop. I shared my creations with her and she was always my greatest fan. Mom passed on September 2, 2011. I’ve always found creativity an effective outlet for dealing with loss and grief. I think my mom would have liked this set and enjoyed preparing a meal in this retro modern kitchen. Bon appétit!  



Sept. 4th, Hollywood Glamour 1930s--The Sequel

Hollywood Glamour 1930s, The Sequel is set for publication on September 4, 2011. The Sequel is a add-on set for Hollywood Glamour 1930s and it features additional 1930s Art Deco furnishings, which are: a vanity table that combines mirror, glass, and metal, a living chair, chaise lounge chair, vanity stool, a designer fragrance (4 variations), makeup wall light, and 3 decorative rotary dial desktop telephone sets. The mirrored vanity table has 32 slots for decorative object placement.

I'm a big fan of old Hollywood black and white films and I hope to create a few more sets that are reflective of my favorite movies and Hollywood stars of 30s and 40s, like Bette Davis, Barbara Stanwyck, Joan Crawford, Jean Harlow, Carole Lombard, Myrna Loy, Mae West, Lana Turner, and many others.

I hope you enjoy the sets and will checkout a few of the great classic movies of old Hollywood!

Happy Simming,





Aug. 15th, Hollywood Glamour 1930s Set Release!

Inspired by 1930’s Hollywood films that featured Art Deco interior design sets—Hollywood Glamour 1930s collection features: geometric shapes, metal, glass, and mirrors. The set includes an elegant and stylish bed with a tufted headboard, a mirrored nightstand and chest of drawers, wall mirrors, glass-top roundtable, a plush ottoman, trio of black and white photos, Empire State radio, table lamp, metal vanity chair, and a glass and metal alarm clock. Lights, camera, ACTION! Your Sims is going to live like a sensational Hollywood movie star!

Hollywood Glamour 1930s is scheduled for publication on August 15, 2011.

Happy Simmings!


July 17th, Release of Classic Collection Fashion Pack!

Classic Collection Part III is the Fashion Pack, which includes a tall cabinet (cloned from a dresser) with 23 slots and recolor-able glass doors, 3 dress form mannequins (1 dress form is recolor-able), a trio of recolor-able hanging evening handbags, which can be shifted up and down the wall, and a stylist Georgian inspired wig (Marie).

The dress forms are "converted" Sims 2 meshes and one full-sized dress form is recolor-able! I'm so excited about the tall cabinet with recolor-able glass; I finally got the glass option to work! Yeah! I can't wait to create a few more objects with recolorable glass, I have so many ideas!

The cabinet's doors are slightly ajar to allow for placement and removal of decorative objects just use the "<" and ">" and "M" keyboard keys to rotate and shift objects. To shift handbags, place object on wall 1st, then drag object up or down.

Thanks for downloading my creations and for your wonderful comments on the Classic Collection and I really appreciate your
great feedback!




July 2nd, Classic Collection Beauty Pack

The Classic Collection Beauty Pack is scheduled for publication on July 2, 2011. It's a Sims 3 set and it features 10 new meshes that complements the Classic Collection bedroom suite. The "beauty pack" includes a vanity dressing table (cloned from a mirror), vanity chair (surface), makeup case, makeup brushes sets, ruby and emerald necklaces, and a selection of wigs.

Happy Simming!


P. S. Check-out the screenie of the original makeup case (in game) before I realized it was a little too BIG!!! WOW, it's a enough eye shadow and lip gloss to last a lifetime! 




Coming Soon! Classic Collection Beauty Pack!

The Classic Collection Beauty Pack is a decorative and functional add-on pack for The Classic Collection bedroom suite! It includes 10 new objects, a vanity dressing table (clone from a mirror), vanity chair (surface), makeup case, makeup brushes sets, ruby and emerald necklaces, and a selection of wigs. Your Sims is going to feel so glamorous! I hope to publish the "Beauty Pack" very soon!

Take Care,


Latest Headlines

Feb. 14th, Art of Seduction Upcoming Sims 3 Set, Art of... Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah!... Beds, Beds, and more Wonky Beds! Oct. 17th, Retro Modern Kitchen Sept. 4th, Hollywood Glamour... Aug. 15th, Hollywood Glamour... July 17th, Release of Classic... July 2nd, Classic Collection... Coming Soon! Classic Collection...
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