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Cashcraft's Blog

June 12th, The Classic Collection

It’s a collection of classic and traditional bedroom furnishings and scheduled for publication on June 12, 2011. The collection features a massive four-post bed, a dresser with mirror, an animated dresser, tufted chaise lounge, a throw, antique wall clock (decorative only), a smaller version of the potpourri double-globe table lamp, nightstand, flowers in a vase, cushioned bench, and several decorative paintings in an ornate frame. The set is suitable for a male or female Sims.

Initially, I created The Classic Collection mirrored dresser, bench, and nightstand for the French Chateau set, but when I saw the furnishings in game next to the French Chateau bed, I realized they didn't match--the styles are too different. LOL, what was I thinking! 

The antique wall clock is one of my favorite set objects, unfortunately it is decorative only! I really tried to make it functional and I spent 2 days working with S3PE and a RIG editor trying to lower joints, but no go! I hated to trash the mesh, so while it looks good in game it doesn't work! In RL I have a similar clock in my living room, which I never put batteries in--its loud tick, tick, tick drives me crazy!

Happy Simmings,




May 22nd, Aladdin's Treasures Release!

Aladdin's Treasures is a mythical fantasy set filled with magic and wonder! If you believe that statement, then this is the set for you! LOL! The set includes a canopied daybed (loveseat), coffee table, end table, decorative pillows for the daybed, a cushioned stool (dining chair), ornate tea set and table lamp, and Aladdin's magic lamp. Rub Aladdin's magic lamp and make three wishes!

Aladdin's Treasures is scheduled for publication on May 22, 2011!

Happy Simming!



Farmhouse Dining Set, April 10th

The Farmhouse Dining Set is finished and scheduled for publication on April 10, 2011. It's a set of sturdy farmhouse dining furniture and detailed decorative objects. The set includes a 3-tile dining table, cabinet, and sideboard, dining chair, place setting, coffeepot, vase of sunflowers and several other small decorative items. It's the perfect set for casual family meals.

My favorite objects of the set is the decorative rooster cookie jar, I want one in RL!

Take Care and Happy Simming!


Placesetting has 1 decorative slot added for placement of a small vase or a decorative object.

Bowl of apples

Farmhouse Dining Set, Coming Soon!

I just uploaded a gallery of pictures for my upcoming set, Farmhouse Dining Set! The set has approximately 11-12 pieces. I'm still working on a bowl of decorative apples for the set, which is giving me fits! But, all the others pieces for the set are complete and I just finished taking my last preview screenshot! So, while my free time is still very limited I hope to publish the set soon!

My mom's ill-health is still a major concern for my family. Although I find creating for Sims is a great way to escape for a few hours! Thank everyone, for your support, compliments, and many well-wishes!

Take Care and Happy Simming,


P.S. Don't forget to check-out my new gallery, Farmhouse Dining Set!

Current Sims 3 Project!

I'm almost finished with my next Sims 3 project, it's a farmhouse styled dining set. The set was inspired by a photograph of an antique cabinet in a Better Homes and Gardens magazine. Initially, I planned on creating just a cabinet, but I later decided to add a few more pieces; a farmhouse dining chair and table, and a few of the clutter items pictured in the photograph. The cabinet will have several slots added for decorative/clutter objects.

RL is still extremely busy with family health issues, but I hope to publish the Farmhouse Dining Set soon!

Take Care and Happy Simming, and here are a few preview pics of my current project...



Mar. 6th, Rose Potpourri Collection Release!

The Rose Potpourri Collection is scheduled for publication on March 6, 2011. It's a potpourri of antique and Victorian furnishings, many of the pieces feature a rose motif. Included in the set are a hand-painted table lamp, chaise lounge (loveseat), washstand (mirror), decorative shoe sets, bowls and pitchers, men's shaving set, 1-tile curtain, and 2 bonus pieces (dining chair and dresser) for the French Chateau Bedroom set!

The Victorian washstand has 3 slots for placement of bowl, pitcher, and shaving set. Chaise also has slots for placement of decorative objects. All objects are re-colorable except for the set's decorative bowls and pitchers. The Rose Potpourri Collection is a mixture of functional and decorative pieces for the home--a total of 16 new meshes!

Happy Simming,


Upcoming Set--Rose Potpourri Collection

Rose Potpourri Collection is a collection of vintage and Victorian furnishings for the home. The set features a charming cabbage rose motif on select objects and gilt trimmed accents on most other pieces. So far, the collection includes a handpainted table lamp, bowls, and pitchers (for use with the washstand) , a decorative straight razor and shaving set (something for the male Sims), mirrored washstand with slots, an elegant chaise lounge, 1-tile curtain, and and a couple of items I created as extras for the French Chateau Bedroom suite.

Here are a few preview pictures of the Rose Potpourri Collection...

Happy Simming,


Rose Potpourri table lamp base color is recolorable.

Rose Potpourri washstand is cloned from a mirror and has 3 decorative slots.

A fully animated dresser for the French Chateau Bedroom set.

Feb. 12th, French Chateau Bedroom

The French Chateau Bedroom suite is scheduled for publication on Saturday, February 12th, and it features an elegant canopy doubled-bed, gilt trimmed console table with mirror, cabinet, and nightstand and an ornate table lamp. Console table is cloned from a mirror and has its menu options and the bed has 3 slots for placement of decorative objects.

I plan to create a matching French Chateau Bathroom set sometime in the future--I actually started it (bathroom set) a few months ago and never got back to finishing the set's bathtub and vanity sink. LOL, I have quite a few unfinished Sims 2 and Sims 3 projects clogging my hard drive, but I WILL finish them one day!

Here are a few pics...

Have a great day and take care,


Today! Pendragon Medieval Collection Released!

It's a collection of bejeweled goblets, bowls, and other dining ware items, there’s also a sturdy wooden table draped with a decorative cloth and ornamental wall shields embossed with the family’s crest. I really enjoyed creating the Pendragon Medieval set and I plan to revisit this time peroid again sometime in the future--one of my favorite TV series is the BBC show Merlin!

Real life is still crazy busy with my mom, who's been in-and-out of the hospital since Christmas Eve. Hopefully, RL will be back to normal within a few weeks. I am working on another bedroom set (they're easier and take less time to create), but it is slow going! I really want to start work on a Sims 3 kitchen collection, however I will not start the project until I have lots of free time and I can do my very best work!

And, I have not forgotten about Sims 2, so many ideas, but not enough free time to create anything! LOL!

Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments and guestbook entries, I really appreciate your feedback!

Take care and a Happy Belated New Years!



Happy Holidays!

I hope you're enjoying the holiday season! I planned to create and submit a set before Christmas, but RL is crazy! I'm currently in physical therapy for back pain, two days before Christmas I cracked my front tooth, which will require a root canal and my mother was admitted to the hospital on Christmas eve.  My mom is doing better, but she may be in the hospital for a few more days.

Well, things can only get BETTER...right!

Now, for the good news! I completed college on December 20th, I will graduate with honors, and I hope to submit a new Sims set soon. *crosses fingers*

Here are a few preview pictures of an upcoming set.

Happy Holidays and Take Care!



Latest Headlines

June 12th, The Classic Collection May 22nd, Aladdin's Treasures... Farmhouse Dining Set, April 10th Farmhouse Dining Set, Coming Soon! Current Sims 3 Project! Mar. 6th, Rose Potpourri... Upcoming Set--Rose Potpourri... Feb. 12th, French Chateau Bedroom Today! Pendragon Medieval... Happy Holidays!
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