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ChazDesigns's Guestbook

JanciicDec 17, 2009

Hi! What about creating some of America's Next Top Model contestants? \:\)  Merry Xmas! 

K@Dec 17, 2009

Dear Chaz! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Wish all your dreams came true! ~Kate

watermellon12590Dec 15, 2009

Love the sims you've done. They look so real! Could I bother you to make Ewan McGregor for sims 3 when you get a chance? Please? Thanks! Such a HUGE fan of your creations

FashionTempleDec 5, 2009

I am unsure of whether you actually take requests, but I figure there is no harm in asking. So here I am asking! Anyway, I am a TERRIBLE simmer and I have been trying to create one/two (you will get why I say that when I tell you who is it) sim(s), and seeing as there are so many talented creators on this site, I thought I would ask one of them to give it a shot. So the sim(s) I am requesting you to make are JOHN & EDWARD Grimes. Now maybe you understand why asked you and not anybody else. Obviously Jedward were a UK and Ireland phenomenon therefore people from different countries may not have heard of the twins, but if I am right in thinking you are from the UK, you should. I also understand that Jedward were a perfect source of TV Marmite, and you may not love them like I do, but as I said before, there is no harm in asking. Thank you. 

middyman911Dec 1, 2009

Hey Chaz i love youe creations through ts2 and ts3 well im practiclly a huge fan of lady gaga and my favourtie creation you did was from the sims 2 your lady gaga version 2 sim so im requesting if you could make it for the sims 3 i would love to see it in sims 3 so im requesting that please can you do this ill be so happy if you could and alot of others would be to seriosuly if you do this you will be OFFICALLY THE BEST CREATOR EVER lol and the hair from your sims 2version of lady gaga vr. 2 would be even better i do like the cool sims one but the one you did was great p.s if you dont wanna make a lady gaga because theres not alot of clothes for here that suit here well anubis360 made her latex outfit and kiara24 from modthesims is making her blue geometrical trisngle dress so alot more clothes for her are coming out i also requested some creators from here to make some of her clothes, accessories etc. thanks heaps \:D

sweet6louNov 28, 2009

Hey Chaz you are a grear creator and I would love to see if you made Adam Lambert   He is a great artist and I think u could do an amazing job on hi. \:D

DeprNov 24, 2009

Chaz...Please,please,please! Can you make Victoria from twilight....I think more peopl love her)she is beautiful

Little SeerNov 21, 2009

Fabulous as always I see.  Sims3 agrees with you.  Cheers and old friend from Sims2.  \:\)

Manu-ChanNov 18, 2009

I love all of your creatinos!!!! But i cant download it :'( Because im not subscribed   D:\:\( Please put your downloads to normal, no subscribed  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I cant subscribe because i dont have any credit target \:\(

VoodooBGNov 14, 2009

I love your creations! They are masterpieces! You've a gift!

giadapudduNov 4, 2009

If you have time..can you make Little Boots for the Sims 2?

Hyleona_JUOct 29, 2009

It would be very nice of you if u'd create a Michael Jackson sim 2 please I need a perfect sim of him and you're the only one who can make a cool sim please,I'm beggin\:\(

x_missisbloom_xOct 27, 2009

Hi!! i'm valeria and i want to say you something: you're amazing!!! You're a fantastic creator!! i loved your creations!!! .....please i'm in love with Milo Ventimiglia (Peter Petrelli from Heroes but you know that becouse i have you version for TS2 XD) and Orlando Bloom. can you...create them for the sims 3?? please! i'm a very very fun of you. well...thanks! ah! one more thing: sorry if my english is not really good but i'm from Argentina and "el español es mi lengua natal" (the spanish it's my real leguaje) byeee or... chao

EstevonplayerOct 25, 2009

Hello Sweet!!!  \:wub\: You're a fantastic creator, I love everything that you do! And I want to ask for you a question! Do you can create Gossip Girl for Sims 3 ?  And specially create Hilary Duff? Maybe I'm boring you, but I'm a big fan of you ^^Please dear friend?   =DSo Bye and Kiss Kiss!   (*!*!*Gossip Girl-I know you secrets*!*!*) \:D

DeprOct 25, 2009

Hi ,Chaz! Please, If you will have time, create Mila Jovovich! Please...

PralinesimsOct 22, 2009

wow you are a really great artist i love your sims

rodrigo.papuOct 14, 2009

Hi, what program you use to put those funds in the images to download sims? \:D

simluvrOct 14, 2009

Hi, I have been a major fan of yours as well since Sims2. (New name) Anyway, I was wondering if you get the time to make the cast from Twilight. Noone, and I do mean noone, has the ability to capture a personality and create their Sim like you. I have seen too many try to create some of the cast and fail miserably. I would like to play a Twilight game, especially with World Adventures coming next month. I have attempted to create simularities to these characters and I must admit, I suck at it. I am sure I am one of many that would like to see this cast in-game. Please, Please, Please. I am willing to pay. Contact me Thank you for your time.

Odey92Oct 12, 2009

Hey Chaz \:\) - I'm sure you get millions and millions of requests but if you ever find time, could you create a Katie Price for Sims 3? :S - With her black hair if possible? - Thanks in advance if you could \:\)

FranLigeiroOct 10, 2009


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