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ChazDesigns's Guestbook

lifeisabigshowMay 14, 2009

can you please make johnathon schaech for  sims 2 i would so love that

Lotta99May 13, 2009

Chaz, can't you make your 2 lady Gagas free? I realy love her so PLZ

boothlshebaMay 12, 2009

I love your designs and I use alot of your work in my game, I was wondering that since I'm an African American can you make some african american artists? Like Megan Goode, Laura London, Denzel Washington, Janet Jackson, just to name a few. I would love to see your work transpire. I currently have all the African Americans you currently have and alot of your other work. I would love to see what you come up with.

boothlshebaMay 12, 2009

I love your designs and I use alot of your work in my game, I was wondering that since I'm an African American can you make some african american artists? Like Megan Goode, Laura London, Denzel Washington, Janet Jackson, just to name a few. I would love to see your work transpire. I currently have all the African Americans you currently have and alot of your other work. I would love to see what you come up with.

boothlshebaMay 12, 2009

NikG21May 12, 2009

You have some amazing designs. Keep up the great work. 

Queendd1andonlyMay 11, 2009

u do really good on all of ur creations ...i really like all of ur sims most of them look just like the real person ...i just wish i could download ur stuff but i cant but keep makin things becuz u have talent at this

andromedaMay 10, 2009

hi;D can you help me? i saw yor amazing zachary sim  but i cant instal it ;( i have sims2 and sims2 pets but it when i want instal zachary sim it show me that i need some expantion pack. what should i do? please can you help me? plz

baconhead91May 10, 2009

I love all your work! and idk if you take requests, but could you possibly do Chris Pine AKA Captn Kirk from the new Star Trek Movie? and if you decide to, could you make him with a maxis skin? yay

ShylariaMay 9, 2009

Hi Chaz!  I love your new Harry Potter sims released today.  I really want to download them but there seems to be a problem.  No matter how I download them, via zip or simspak I only get a .gif file  HK.gif  I clicked on it and its a 5 second video clip of a pretty blonde girl looking very surprised at something.  I dont know if the download is just broken or what.  I just thought Id let you know.  I wasnt able to send you a private message so I had to tell you here.  I love your work, you are an awsome artist.  I hope the new Harry Potter sims download gets fixed soon.  \:\) \:wub\:

SimsShineMay 8, 2009

I bookmarked you right' way! Your simmies are so real. I really love 'em.\:ph34r\: I don't know if you take requests but... Could you pleaaseee make Johnny Depp. I know there're much Johnnies around there, but I bet your version would be much better. \:D Have a nice  day!

Minxy01May 5, 2009

Everything is amazing!! Love your work! Thank you so much! Keep the great work up. \:\)

berkyo26May 2, 2009

Thanks for the losties, Chaz! I made the Hatch and the lost beach and now have people for it! Where is Locke? and Ben? or Richard? I'll be watching.

xtinabobinaMay 1, 2009

i see that people are making requests on here, but i don't want to be rude and make a request if you don't take them. I really love your sim-look alikes. i have your britney spears & some others & they all look great. could you please stop by and let me know if you take requests. i have a special one\:wub\:

z3roApr 26, 2009

Would you ever create the guys from Slipknot?

selenerockers12Apr 24, 2009

and could you also let me know if you do or dont \:\) \:\)

selenerockers12Apr 24, 2009

Dear chazdesigns             could you please make the cast of one tree hill     xoxo\:\) \:\)

pato7Apr 17, 2009

\:eek\: \:eek\:Your Creations Are Amazing, Keep up your amazing work on Hayden p! \:D \:wub\: You should make some one like Cristiano Ronaldo, Or Jason Statham! \:cool\:

skystars5Apr 14, 2009

Hi Chaz! I've just stopped by to spread a little love and hugs to all of our truly gifted and wonderful FA's. You know how good you are and have many, many fans, that's all that's important. (((HUGS)))\:wub\: ~Marilyn

midge719Apr 13, 2009

I would love Chris Evans.  I know you dont take requests but PLEASE, can you do some male sims.  Thankies

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