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ChazDesigns's Guestbook

joshlovesdgApr 13, 2009

hey your amazing i love your work i saw you made lady gaga kind of white pvc corset otufit is there anywya you could make the same thing with the spikes or make her black and gold spiky dress x

TechnomickyApr 13, 2009

I love your creations \:rah\: ... Can you make please the Black Eyes Peas in the current occupation? And on your screenshots - where can I download the "Gimme more" Outfit of Britney Spears?   Greets, Technomicky \:\)

denvermaxApr 11, 2009

i love your sims! please make more top male models! sean opry, david gandy, mathias lauridsen, taylor fuchs...!

mariluApr 11, 2009

Bunny rabbits, painted eggs and sunshine ... it's Easter time! Wish you happy days. \:\)

DamoisimsApr 11, 2009

Please ,can you make (new) Mariah Carey  and \:wub\: you are really talented \:wub\: !!!

VolimApr 11, 2009

Hii !! Please can you make Eva Longoria and Tony Parker or Mario Lopez... Your creations are amazing.. Thanks in advance....

co-co678Apr 10, 2009

acutally could you make Matt prokop please.

AhardymanApr 10, 2009

Hey Chaz! Love your work.... It's Amazing !!!!!!!!! Please make the new 90210 sims2. Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee \:\) pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase pretty please \:\)  

oldmember_KateyesApr 9, 2009

Please tell me your going to be working desings for sims 3.

co-co678Apr 9, 2009

I love ur sims do u take request ?! i loved ur lady gaga , but i was wondering if you could make the new characters from high school muscial 3 Like the guy who plays jimmie the rocket and  the new girl too thanks or if not could you make some of the band paramore! thanks again!\;\)  

alexi600Apr 6, 2009

Can you please do a girls aloud 2, i Loved the first one's but they were off quite a long time ago and they're style and image has changed please make another.........x

UdontKnowMar 30, 2009

Hey Charlie, just wanted to say that i admire your work for a long time now, you're something like a rolemodel for me \:wub\:. You are really talented and I would love to chat with you about the wohle process of creating ect. ..\:o. Well have a nice day and see ya around \:wub\: xxx Meike

jimoincolorMar 29, 2009

you were so disapeared!why?

LabCatMar 28, 2009

Absolutely so lifelike!  You are an extremely blessed person.  Thank you for sharing.  I'm gobsmacked!\:rah\: \:wub\: \:D    

arwxphileMar 25, 2009

I love your creations!  Thank you so much for taking the time to make everything for all of us!  Keep up the awesome work \:\)

DastiaMar 23, 2009

I just wanted  to express my appreciation for your incredible work. The talent that you have and all the work and hours that you put into your designs. Your Sims are simply stunning, very few designers even come close to what you achieve. I know from your guest book that you get an incredible amount of requests for Celebrity Sims, and I wish I wasn't one of them, but nobody could ever come close to what you can do. Is there any way.....anything....that would convince you to do an Alan Rickman Sim?  I know, I'm just another pain in the ass fan who wants something from you, but I really would do just about anything to have an incredible life like Alan Rickman Sim. If you would consider this request please message me, I have the perfect picture of him for Simming. Thank you so much for all your work and sharing your talent.

bellaangieMar 22, 2009

CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME HOW I GET EXPANSION PACK?!? AND WHATS MESH? IM TRYING TO GET BRITNEY SPEARS ( She rocks/Chaz does awasome! ) AND IT SAYS I NEED EXPANSION PACK. I would apresiate if somebody told me Im clueless \:\)

clairepitts1994Mar 21, 2009

If you're looking for suggestions, for future sims. The Cast from Prison Break or Smallville, would be good. If not I'll find someone else that'd want to make them. Kudos for the good sims.

guitarmanMar 17, 2009

Hello: Hi, I'm a new commer here (2 weeks now) and I've been seeing your artist picture a few times, so I decided to check out your site. I can tell you right now that you have a special talent no doubt about it and you know it.  Just look at the way you capture some of these celebrities looks. Your models have an incredible resemblance. Britney for example would love to see your work. Anyhow I'm glad I stopped by and I'm difinitely bookmarking your site for my future references and I'll be back a lot more. I wish you good luck with your future creations and want to thank you again for your hard work and not to forget, for your genuine generosity. I respect that a lot.    Bravo indeed!!!!!!!!

LauniniMar 16, 2009

Your creations are fantastic! I love the Miley Cyrus Sim! Maybe you can create Hannah Montana?\:o

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